_use_openssl = ! class_exists('phpseclib\Crypt\Random'); } /** * Forces (not)using of openSSL * * @param boolean $use The flag * * @return void */ public function setUseOpenSSL($use) { $this->_use_openssl = $use; } /** * Displays authentication form * * this function MUST exit/quit the application * * @global string $conn_error the last connection error * * @return boolean|void */ public function showLoginForm() { global $conn_error; $response = Response::getInstance(); if ($response->loginPage()) { if (defined('TESTSUITE')) { return true; } else { exit; } } // No recall if blowfish secret is not configured as it would produce // garbage if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieRecall'] && ! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['blowfish_secret']) ) { $default_user = $this->user; $default_server = $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server']; $autocomplete = ''; } else { $default_user = ''; $default_server = ''; // skip the IE autocomplete feature. $autocomplete = ' autocomplete="off"'; } echo Template::get('login/header')->render(['theme' => $GLOBALS['PMA_Theme']]); if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['demo']) { echo '
'; echo '' , __('phpMyAdmin Demo Server') , ''; printf( __( 'You are using the demo server. You can do anything here, but ' . 'please do not change root, debian-sys-maint and pma users. ' . 'More information is available at %s.' ), 'demo.phpmyadmin.net' ); echo '
'; } // Show error message if (! empty($conn_error)) { Message::rawError($conn_error)->display(); } elseif (isset($_GET['session_expired']) && intval($_GET['session_expired']) == 1 ) { Message::rawError( __('Your session has expired. Please log in again.') )->display(); } // Displays the languages form $language_manager = LanguageManager::getInstance(); if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Lang']) && $language_manager->hasChoice()) { echo "
"; // use fieldset, don't show doc link echo $language_manager->getSelectorDisplay(true, false); echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo ''; echo __('Log in'); echo Util::showDocu('index'); echo ''; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer']) { echo '
'; } echo '
'; if (count($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers']) > 1) { echo '
'; } else { echo ' '; } // end if (server choice) echo '
'; // binds input field with invisible reCaptcha if enabled if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey']) && empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPublicKey']) ) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; echo ''; } $_form_params = array(); if (! empty($GLOBALS['target'])) { $_form_params['target'] = $GLOBALS['target']; } if (strlen($GLOBALS['db'])) { $_form_params['db'] = $GLOBALS['db']; } if (strlen($GLOBALS['table'])) { $_form_params['table'] = $GLOBALS['table']; } // do not generate a "server" hidden field as we want the "server" // drop-down to have priority echo Url::getHiddenInputs($_form_params, '', 0, 'server'); echo '
'; if ($GLOBALS['error_handler']->hasDisplayErrors()) { echo '
'; $GLOBALS['error_handler']->dispErrors(); echo '
'; } echo Template::get('login/footer')->render(); echo Config::renderFooter(); if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { exit; } else { return true; } } /** * Gets authentication credentials * * this function DOES NOT check authentication - it just checks/provides * authentication credentials required to connect to the MySQL server * usually with $GLOBALS['dbi']->connect() * * it returns false if something is missing - which usually leads to * showLoginForm() which displays login form * * it returns true if all seems ok which usually leads to auth_set_user() * * it directly switches to showFailure() if user inactivity timeout is reached * * @return boolean whether we get authentication settings or not */ public function readCredentials() { global $conn_error; // Initialization /** * @global $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'] the user provided server to * connect to */ $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'] = ''; $this->user = $this->password = ''; $GLOBALS['from_cookie'] = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['pma_username']) && strlen($_REQUEST['pma_username']) > 0) { // Verify Captcha if it is required. if (! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey']) && ! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPublicKey']) ) { if (! empty($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"])) { if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha( $GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey'], new ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\CurlPost() ); } elseif (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha( $GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey'], new ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\Post() ); } else { $reCaptcha = new ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha( $GLOBALS['cfg']['CaptchaLoginPrivateKey'], new ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\SocketPost() ); } // verify captcha status. $resp = $reCaptcha->verify( $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"], Core::getIp() ); // Check if the captcha entered is valid, if not stop the login. if ($resp == null || ! $resp->isSuccess()) { $codes = $resp->getErrorCodes(); if (in_array('invalid-json', $codes)) { $conn_error = __('Failed to connect to the reCAPTCHA service!'); } else { $conn_error = __('Entered captcha is wrong, try again!'); } return false; } } else { $conn_error = __('Missing reCAPTCHA verification, maybe it has been blocked by adblock?'); return false; } } // The user just logged in $this->user = Core::sanitizeMySQLUser($_REQUEST['pma_username']); $this->password = isset($_REQUEST['pma_password']) ? $_REQUEST['pma_password'] : ''; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer'] && isset($_REQUEST['pma_servername']) ) { if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ArbitraryServerRegexp']) { $parts = explode(' ', $_REQUEST['pma_servername']); if (count($parts) == 2) { $tmp_host = $parts[0]; } else { $tmp_host = $_REQUEST['pma_servername']; } $match = preg_match( $GLOBALS['cfg']['ArbitraryServerRegexp'], $tmp_host ); if (! $match) { $conn_error = __( 'You are not allowed to log in to this MySQL server!' ); return false; } } $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'] = Core::sanitizeMySQLHost($_REQUEST['pma_servername']); } /* Secure current session on login to avoid session fixation */ Session::secure(); return true; } // At the end, try to set the $this->user // and $this->password variables from cookies // check cookies if (empty($_COOKIE['pmaUser-' . $GLOBALS['server']])) { return false; } $value = $this->cookieDecrypt( $_COOKIE['pmaUser-' . $GLOBALS['server']], $this->_getEncryptionSecret() ); if ($value === false) { return false; } $this->user = $value; // user was never logged in since session start if (empty($_SESSION['browser_access_time'])) { return false; } // User inactive too long $last_access_time = time() - $GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieValidity']; foreach ($_SESSION['browser_access_time'] as $key => $value) { if ($value < $last_access_time) { unset($_SESSION['browser_access_time'][$key]); } } // All sessions expired if (empty($_SESSION['browser_access_time'])) { Util::cacheUnset('is_create_db_priv'); Util::cacheUnset('is_reload_priv'); Util::cacheUnset('db_to_create'); Util::cacheUnset('dbs_where_create_table_allowed'); Util::cacheUnset('dbs_to_test'); Util::cacheUnset('db_priv'); Util::cacheUnset('col_priv'); Util::cacheUnset('table_priv'); Util::cacheUnset('proc_priv'); $this->showFailure('no-activity'); if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { exit; } else { return false; } } // check password cookie if (empty($_COOKIE['pmaAuth-' . $GLOBALS['server']])) { return false; } $value = $this->cookieDecrypt( $_COOKIE['pmaAuth-' . $GLOBALS['server']], $this->_getSessionEncryptionSecret() ); if ($value === false) { return false; } $auth_data = json_decode($value, true); if (! is_array($auth_data) || ! isset($auth_data['password'])) { return false; } $this->password = $auth_data['password']; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer'] && ! empty($auth_data['server'])) { $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'] = $auth_data['server']; } $GLOBALS['from_cookie'] = true; return true; } /** * Set the user and password after last checkings if required * * @return boolean always true */ public function storeCredentials() { global $cfg; if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer'] && ! empty($GLOBALS['pma_auth_server']) ) { /* Allow to specify 'host port' */ $parts = explode(' ', $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server']); if (count($parts) == 2) { $tmp_host = $parts[0]; $tmp_port = $parts[1]; } else { $tmp_host = $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server']; $tmp_port = ''; } if ($cfg['Server']['host'] != $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server']) { $cfg['Server']['host'] = $tmp_host; if (! empty($tmp_port)) { $cfg['Server']['port'] = $tmp_port; } } unset($tmp_host, $tmp_port, $parts); } return parent::storeCredentials(); } /** * Stores user credentials after successful login. * * @return void|bool */ public function rememberCredentials() { // Name and password cookies need to be refreshed each time // Duration = one month for username $this->storeUsernameCookie($this->user); // Duration = as configured // Do not store password cookie on password change as we will // set the cookie again after password has been changed if (! isset($_POST['change_pw'])) { $this->storePasswordCookie($this->password); } // Set server cookies if required (once per session) and, in this case, // force reload to ensure the client accepts cookies if (! $GLOBALS['from_cookie']) { // URL where to go: $redirect_url = './index.php'; // any parameters to pass? $url_params = array(); if (strlen($GLOBALS['db']) > 0) { $url_params['db'] = $GLOBALS['db']; } if (strlen($GLOBALS['table']) > 0) { $url_params['table'] = $GLOBALS['table']; } // any target to pass? if (! empty($GLOBALS['target']) && $GLOBALS['target'] != 'index.php' ) { $url_params['target'] = $GLOBALS['target']; } /** * Clear user cache. */ Util::clearUserCache(); Response::getInstance() ->disable(); Core::sendHeaderLocation( $redirect_url . Url::getCommonRaw($url_params), true ); if (! defined('TESTSUITE')) { exit; } else { return false; } } // end if return true; } /** * Stores username in a cookie. * * @param string $username User name * * @return void */ public function storeUsernameCookie($username) { // Name and password cookies need to be refreshed each time // Duration = one month for username $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie( 'pmaUser-' . $GLOBALS['server'], $this->cookieEncrypt( $username, $this->_getEncryptionSecret() ) ); } /** * Stores password in a cookie. * * @param string $password Password * * @return void */ public function storePasswordCookie($password) { $payload = array('password' => $password); if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowArbitraryServer'] && ! empty($GLOBALS['pma_auth_server'])) { $payload['server'] = $GLOBALS['pma_auth_server']; } // Duration = as configured $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->setCookie( 'pmaAuth-' . $GLOBALS['server'], $this->cookieEncrypt( json_encode($payload), $this->_getSessionEncryptionSecret() ), null, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieStore'] ); } /** * User is not allowed to login to MySQL -> authentication failed * * prepares error message and switches to showLoginForm() which display the error * and the login form * * this function MUST exit/quit the application, * currently done by call to showLoginForm() * * @param string $failure String describing why authentication has failed * * @return void */ public function showFailure($failure) { global $conn_error; parent::showFailure($failure); // Deletes password cookie and displays the login form $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaAuth-' . $GLOBALS['server']); $conn_error = $this->getErrorMessage($failure); $response = Response::getInstance(); // needed for PHP-CGI (not need for FastCGI or mod-php) $response->header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); $response->header('Pragma: no-cache'); $this->showLoginForm(); } /** * Returns blowfish secret or generates one if needed. * * @return string */ private function _getEncryptionSecret() { if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['blowfish_secret'])) { return $this->_getSessionEncryptionSecret(); } return $GLOBALS['cfg']['blowfish_secret']; } /** * Returns blowfish secret or generates one if needed. * * @return string */ private function _getSessionEncryptionSecret() { if (empty($_SESSION['encryption_key'])) { if ($this->_use_openssl) { $_SESSION['encryption_key'] = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); } else { $_SESSION['encryption_key'] = Crypt\Random::string(32); } } return $_SESSION['encryption_key']; } /** * Concatenates secret in order to make it 16 bytes log * * This doesn't add any security, just ensures the secret * is long enough by copying it. * * @param string $secret Original secret * * @return string */ public function enlargeSecret($secret) { while (strlen($secret) < 16) { $secret .= $secret; } return substr($secret, 0, 16); } /** * Derives MAC secret from encryption secret. * * @param string $secret the secret * * @return string the MAC secret */ public function getMACSecret($secret) { // Grab first part, up to 16 chars // The MAC and AES secrets can overlap if original secret is short $length = strlen($secret); if ($length > 16) { return substr($secret, 0, 16); } return $this->enlargeSecret( $length == 1 ? $secret : substr($secret, 0, -1) ); } /** * Derives AES secret from encryption secret. * * @param string $secret the secret * * @return string the AES secret */ public function getAESSecret($secret) { // Grab second part, up to 16 chars // The MAC and AES secrets can overlap if original secret is short $length = strlen($secret); if ($length > 16) { return substr($secret, -16); } return $this->enlargeSecret( $length == 1 ? $secret : substr($secret, 1) ); } /** * Cleans any SSL errors * * This can happen from corrupted cookies, by invalid encryption * parameters used in older phpMyAdmin versions or by wrong openSSL * configuration. * * In neither case the error is useful to user, but we need to clear * the error buffer as otherwise the errors would pop up later, for * example during MySQL SSL setup. * * @return void */ public function cleanSSLErrors() { if (function_exists('openssl_error_string')) { while (($ssl_err = openssl_error_string()) !== false) { } } } /** * Encryption using openssl's AES or phpseclib's AES * (phpseclib uses mcrypt when it is available) * * @param string $data original data * @param string $secret the secret * * @return string the encrypted result */ public function cookieEncrypt($data, $secret) { $mac_secret = $this->getMACSecret($secret); $aes_secret = $this->getAESSecret($secret); $iv = $this->createIV(); if ($this->_use_openssl) { $result = openssl_encrypt( $data, 'AES-128-CBC', $aes_secret, 0, $iv ); } else { $cipher = new Crypt\AES(Crypt\Base::MODE_CBC); $cipher->setIV($iv); $cipher->setKey($aes_secret); $result = base64_encode($cipher->encrypt($data)); } $this->cleanSSLErrors(); $iv = base64_encode($iv); return json_encode( array( 'iv' => $iv, 'mac' => hash_hmac('sha1', $iv . $result, $mac_secret), 'payload' => $result, ) ); } /** * Decryption using openssl's AES or phpseclib's AES * (phpseclib uses mcrypt when it is available) * * @param string $encdata encrypted data * @param string $secret the secret * * @return string|false original data, false on error */ public function cookieDecrypt($encdata, $secret) { $data = json_decode($encdata, true); if (! is_array($data) || ! isset($data['mac']) || ! isset($data['iv']) || ! isset($data['payload']) || ! is_string($data['mac']) || ! is_string($data['iv']) || ! is_string($data['payload']) ) { return false; } $mac_secret = $this->getMACSecret($secret); $aes_secret = $this->getAESSecret($secret); $newmac = hash_hmac('sha1', $data['iv'] . $data['payload'], $mac_secret); if (! hash_equals($data['mac'], $newmac)) { return false; } if ($this->_use_openssl) { $result = openssl_decrypt( $data['payload'], 'AES-128-CBC', $aes_secret, 0, base64_decode($data['iv']) ); } else { $cipher = new Crypt\AES(Crypt\Base::MODE_CBC); $cipher->setIV(base64_decode($data['iv'])); $cipher->setKey($aes_secret); $result = $cipher->decrypt(base64_decode($data['payload'])); } $this->cleanSSLErrors(); return $result; } /** * Returns size of IV for encryption. * * @return int */ public function getIVSize() { if ($this->_use_openssl) { return openssl_cipher_iv_length('AES-128-CBC'); } $cipher = new Crypt\AES(Crypt\Base::MODE_CBC); return $cipher->block_size; } /** * Initialization * Store the initialization vector because it will be needed for * further decryption. I don't think necessary to have one iv * per server so I don't put the server number in the cookie name. * * @return string */ public function createIV() { /* Testsuite shortcut only to allow predictable IV */ if (! is_null($this->_cookie_iv)) { return $this->_cookie_iv; } if ($this->_use_openssl) { return openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( $this->getIVSize() ); } return Crypt\Random::string( $this->getIVSize() ); } /** * Sets encryption IV to use * * This is for testing only! * * @param string $vector The IV * * @return void */ public function setIV($vector) { $this->_cookie_iv = $vector; } /** * Callback when user changes password. * * @param string $password New password to set * * @return void */ public function handlePasswordChange($password) { $this->storePasswordCookie($password); } /** * Perform logout * * @return void */ public function logOut() { // -> delete password cookie(s) if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['LoginCookieDeleteAll']) { foreach ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Servers'] as $key => $val) { $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie('pmaAuth-' . $key); if (isset($_COOKIE['pmaAuth-' . $key])) { unset($_COOKIE['pmaAuth-' . $key]); } } } else { $GLOBALS['PMA_Config']->removeCookie( 'pmaAuth-' . $GLOBALS['server'] ); if (isset($_COOKIE['pmaAuth-' . $GLOBALS['server']])) { unset($_COOKIE['pmaAuth-' . $GLOBALS['server']]); } } parent::logOut(); } }