getRoutines($db, $type); echo RteList::get('routine', $items); /** * Display the form for adding a new routine, if the user has the privileges. */ echo Footer::routines(); /** * Display a warning for users with PHP's old "mysql" extension. */ if (! DatabaseInterface::checkDbExtension('mysqli')) { trigger_error( __( 'You are using PHP\'s deprecated \'mysql\' extension, ' . 'which is not capable of handling multi queries. ' . '[strong]The execution of some stored routines may fail![/strong] ' . 'Please use the improved \'mysqli\' extension to ' . 'avoid any problems.' ), E_USER_WARNING ); } } // end self::main() /** * Handles editor requests for adding or editing an item * * @return void */ public static function handleEditor() { global $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $GLOBALS, $db, $errors; $errors = self::handleRequestCreateOrEdit($errors, $db); $response = Response::getInstance(); /** * Display a form used to add/edit a routine, if necessary */ // FIXME: this must be simpler than that if (count($errors) || ( empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_add']) && empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_edit']) && (! empty($_REQUEST['add_item']) || ! empty($_REQUEST['edit_item']) || ! empty($_REQUEST['routine_addparameter']) || ! empty($_REQUEST['routine_removeparameter']) || ! empty($_REQUEST['routine_changetype']))) ) { // Handle requests to add/remove parameters and changing routine type // This is necessary when JS is disabled $operation = ''; if (! empty($_REQUEST['routine_addparameter'])) { $operation = 'add'; } elseif (! empty($_REQUEST['routine_removeparameter'])) { $operation = 'remove'; } elseif (! empty($_REQUEST['routine_changetype'])) { $operation = 'change'; } // Get the data for the form (if any) if (! empty($_REQUEST['add_item'])) { $title = Words::get('add'); $routine = self::getDataFromRequest(); $mode = 'add'; } elseif (! empty($_REQUEST['edit_item'])) { $title = __("Edit routine"); if (! $operation && ! empty($_REQUEST['item_name']) && empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_edit']) ) { $routine = self::getDataFromName( $_REQUEST['item_name'], $_REQUEST['item_type'] ); if ($routine !== false) { $routine['item_original_name'] = $routine['item_name']; $routine['item_original_type'] = $routine['item_type']; } } else { $routine = self::getDataFromRequest(); } $mode = 'edit'; } if ($routine !== false) { // Show form $editor = self::getEditorForm($mode, $operation, $routine); if ($response->isAjax()) { $response->addJSON('message', $editor); $response->addJSON('title', $title); $response->addJSON('param_template', self::getParameterRow()); $response->addJSON('type', $routine['item_type']); } else { echo "\n\n


\n\n$editor"; } exit; } else { $message = __('Error in processing request:') . ' '; $message .= sprintf( Words::get('no_edit'), htmlspecialchars( Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name']) ), htmlspecialchars(Util::backquote($db)) ); $message = Message::error($message); if ($response->isAjax()) { $response->setRequestStatus(false); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } else { $message->display(); } } } } /** * Handle request to create or edit a routine * * @param array $errors Errors * @param string $db DB name * * @return array */ public static function handleRequestCreateOrEdit(array $errors, $db) { if (empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_add']) && empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_edit']) ) { return $errors; } $sql_query = ''; $routine_query = self::getQueryFromRequest(); if (!count($errors)) { // set by self::getQueryFromRequest() // Execute the created query if (!empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_edit'])) { $isProcOrFunc = in_array( $_REQUEST['item_original_type'], array('PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION') ); if (!$isProcOrFunc) { $errors[] = sprintf( __('Invalid routine type: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['item_original_type']) ); } else { // Backup the old routine, in case something goes wrong $create_routine = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition( $db, $_REQUEST['item_original_type'], $_REQUEST['item_original_name'] ); $privilegesBackup = self::backupPrivileges(); $drop_routine = "DROP {$_REQUEST['item_original_type']} " . Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_original_name']) . ";\n"; $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($drop_routine); if (!$result) { $errors[] = sprintf( __('The following query has failed: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars($drop_routine) ) . '
' . __('MySQL said: ') . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError(); } else { list($newErrors, $message) = self::create( $routine_query, $create_routine, $privilegesBackup ); if (empty($newErrors)) { $sql_query = $drop_routine . $routine_query; } else { $errors = array_merge($errors, $newErrors); } unset($newErrors); if (null === $message) { unset($message); } } } } else { // 'Add a new routine' mode $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($routine_query); if (!$result) { $errors[] = sprintf( __('The following query has failed: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars($routine_query) ) . '

' . __('MySQL said: ') . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError(); } else { $message = Message::success( __('Routine %1$s has been created.') ); $message->addParam( Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name']) ); $sql_query = $routine_query; } } } if (count($errors)) { $message = Message::error( __( 'One or more errors have occurred while' . ' processing your request:' ) ); $message->addHtml(''); } $output = Util::getMessage($message, $sql_query); $response = Response::getInstance(); if (!$response->isAjax()) { return $errors; } if (!$message->isSuccess()) { $response->setRequestStatus(false); $response->addJSON('message', $output); exit; } $routines = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getRoutines( $db, $_REQUEST['item_type'], $_REQUEST['item_name'] ); $routine = $routines[0]; $response->addJSON( 'name', htmlspecialchars( mb_strtoupper($_REQUEST['item_name']) ) ); $response->addJSON('new_row', RteList::getRoutineRow($routine)); $response->addJSON('insert', !empty($routine)); $response->addJSON('message', $output); exit; } /** * Backup the privileges * * @return array */ public static function backupPrivileges() { if (! $GLOBALS['proc_priv'] || ! $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv']) { return array(); } // Backup the Old Privileges before dropping // if $_REQUEST['item_adjust_privileges'] set if (! isset($_REQUEST['item_adjust_privileges']) || empty($_REQUEST['item_adjust_privileges']) ) { return array(); } $privilegesBackupQuery = 'SELECT * FROM ' . Util::backquote( 'mysql' ) . '.' . Util::backquote('procs_priv') . ' where Routine_name = "' . $_REQUEST['item_original_name'] . '" AND Routine_type = "' . $_REQUEST['item_original_type'] . '";'; $privilegesBackup = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult( $privilegesBackupQuery, 0 ); return $privilegesBackup; } /** * Create the routine * * @param string $routine_query Query to create routine * @param string $create_routine Query to restore routine * @param array $privilegesBackup Privileges backup * * @return array */ public static function create( $routine_query, $create_routine, array $privilegesBackup ) { $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($routine_query); if (!$result) { $errors = array(); $errors[] = sprintf( __('The following query has failed: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars($routine_query) ) . '
' . __('MySQL said: ') . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError(); // We dropped the old routine, // but were unable to create the new one // Try to restore the backup query $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($create_routine); $errors = General::checkResult( $result, __( 'Sorry, we failed to restore' . ' the dropped routine.' ), $create_routine, $errors ); return array($errors, null); } // Default value $resultAdjust = false; if ($GLOBALS['proc_priv'] && $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv'] ) { // Insert all the previous privileges // but with the new name and the new type foreach ($privilegesBackup as $priv) { $adjustProcPrivilege = 'INSERT INTO ' . Util::backquote('mysql') . '.' . Util::backquote('procs_priv') . ' VALUES("' . $priv[0] . '", "' . $priv[1] . '", "' . $priv[2] . '", "' . $_REQUEST['item_name'] . '", "' . $_REQUEST['item_type'] . '", "' . $priv[5] . '", "' . $priv[6] . '", "' . $priv[7] . '");'; $resultAdjust = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query( $adjustProcPrivilege ); } } $message = self::flushPrivileges($resultAdjust); return array(array(), $message); } /** * Flush privileges and get message * * @param bool $flushPrivileges Flush privileges * * @return Message */ public static function flushPrivileges($flushPrivileges) { if ($flushPrivileges) { // Flush the Privileges $flushPrivQuery = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'; $GLOBALS['dbi']->query($flushPrivQuery); $message = Message::success( __( 'Routine %1$s has been modified. Privileges have been adjusted.' ) ); } else { $message = Message::success( __('Routine %1$s has been modified.') ); } $message->addParam( Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name']) ); return $message; } // end self::handleEditor() /** * This function will generate the values that are required to * complete the editor form. It is especially necessary to handle * the 'Add another parameter', 'Remove last parameter' and * 'Change routine type' functionalities when JS is disabled. * * @return array Data necessary to create the routine editor. */ public static function getDataFromRequest() { global $_REQUEST, $param_directions, $param_sqldataaccess; $retval = array(); $indices = array('item_name', 'item_original_name', 'item_returnlength', 'item_returnopts_num', 'item_returnopts_text', 'item_definition', 'item_comment', 'item_definer'); foreach ($indices as $index) { $retval[$index] = isset($_REQUEST[$index]) ? $_REQUEST[$index] : ''; } $retval['item_type'] = 'PROCEDURE'; $retval['item_type_toggle'] = 'FUNCTION'; if (isset($_REQUEST['item_type']) && $_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION') { $retval['item_type'] = 'FUNCTION'; $retval['item_type_toggle'] = 'PROCEDURE'; } $retval['item_original_type'] = 'PROCEDURE'; if (isset($_REQUEST['item_original_type']) && $_REQUEST['item_original_type'] == 'FUNCTION' ) { $retval['item_original_type'] = 'FUNCTION'; } $retval['item_num_params'] = 0; $retval['item_param_dir'] = array(); $retval['item_param_name'] = array(); $retval['item_param_type'] = array(); $retval['item_param_length'] = array(); $retval['item_param_opts_num'] = array(); $retval['item_param_opts_text'] = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['item_param_name']) && isset($_REQUEST['item_param_type']) && isset($_REQUEST['item_param_length']) && isset($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num']) && isset($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_name']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_type']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_length']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text']) ) { if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') { $retval['item_param_dir'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_dir']; foreach ($retval['item_param_dir'] as $key => $value) { if (! in_array($value, $param_directions, true)) { $retval['item_param_dir'][$key] = ''; } } } $retval['item_param_name'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_name']; $retval['item_param_type'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_type']; foreach ($retval['item_param_type'] as $key => $value) { if (! in_array($value, Util::getSupportedDatatypes(), true)) { $retval['item_param_type'][$key] = ''; } } $retval['item_param_length'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_length']; $retval['item_param_opts_num'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num']; $retval['item_param_opts_text'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text']; $retval['item_num_params'] = max( count($retval['item_param_name']), count($retval['item_param_type']), count($retval['item_param_length']), count($retval['item_param_opts_num']), count($retval['item_param_opts_text']) ); } $retval['item_returntype'] = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['item_returntype']) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_returntype'], Util::getSupportedDatatypes()) ) { $retval['item_returntype'] = $_REQUEST['item_returntype']; } $retval['item_isdeterministic'] = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['item_isdeterministic']) && mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['item_isdeterministic']) == 'on' ) { $retval['item_isdeterministic'] = " checked='checked'"; } $retval['item_securitytype_definer'] = ''; $retval['item_securitytype_invoker'] = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'])) { if ($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] === 'DEFINER') { $retval['item_securitytype_definer'] = " selected='selected'"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] === 'INVOKER') { $retval['item_securitytype_invoker'] = " selected='selected'"; } } $retval['item_sqldataaccess'] = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess']) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess'], $param_sqldataaccess, true) ) { $retval['item_sqldataaccess'] = $_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess']; } return $retval; } // end self::getDataFromRequest() /** * This function will generate the values that are required to complete * the "Edit routine" form given the name of a routine. * * @param string $name The name of the routine. * @param string $type Type of routine (ROUTINE|PROCEDURE) * @param bool $all Whether to return all data or just the info about parameters. * * @return array Data necessary to create the routine editor. */ public static function getDataFromName($name, $type, $all = true) { global $db; $retval = array(); // Build and execute the query $fields = "SPECIFIC_NAME, ROUTINE_TYPE, DTD_IDENTIFIER, " . "ROUTINE_DEFINITION, IS_DETERMINISTIC, SQL_DATA_ACCESS, " . "ROUTINE_COMMENT, SECURITY_TYPE"; $where = "ROUTINE_SCHEMA " . Util::getCollateForIS() . "=" . "'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "' " . "AND SPECIFIC_NAME='" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($name) . "'" . "AND ROUTINE_TYPE='" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($type) . "'"; $query = "SELECT $fields FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES WHERE $where;"; $routine = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow($query, 'ASSOC'); if (! $routine) { return false; } // Get required data $retval['item_name'] = $routine['SPECIFIC_NAME']; $retval['item_type'] = $routine['ROUTINE_TYPE']; $definition = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition( $db, $routine['ROUTINE_TYPE'], $routine['SPECIFIC_NAME'] ); if ($definition == null) { return false; } $parser = new Parser($definition); /** * @var CreateStatement $stmt */ $stmt = $parser->statements[0]; $params = Routine::getParameters($stmt); $retval['item_num_params'] = $params['num']; $retval['item_param_dir'] = $params['dir']; $retval['item_param_name'] = $params['name']; $retval['item_param_type'] = $params['type']; $retval['item_param_length'] = $params['length']; $retval['item_param_length_arr'] = $params['length_arr']; $retval['item_param_opts_num'] = $params['opts']; $retval['item_param_opts_text'] = $params['opts']; // Get extra data if (!$all) { return $retval; } if ($retval['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION') { $retval['item_type_toggle'] = 'PROCEDURE'; } else { $retval['item_type_toggle'] = 'FUNCTION'; } $retval['item_returntype'] = ''; $retval['item_returnlength'] = ''; $retval['item_returnopts_num'] = ''; $retval['item_returnopts_text'] = ''; if (! empty($routine['DTD_IDENTIFIER'])) { $options = array(); foreach ($stmt->return->options->options as $opt) { $options[] = is_string($opt) ? $opt : $opt['value']; } $retval['item_returntype'] = $stmt->return->name; $retval['item_returnlength'] = implode(',', $stmt->return->parameters); $retval['item_returnopts_num'] = implode(' ', $options); $retval['item_returnopts_text'] = implode(' ', $options); } $retval['item_definer'] = $stmt->options->has('DEFINER'); $retval['item_definition'] = $routine['ROUTINE_DEFINITION']; $retval['item_isdeterministic'] = ''; if ($routine['IS_DETERMINISTIC'] == 'YES') { $retval['item_isdeterministic'] = " checked='checked'"; } $retval['item_securitytype_definer'] = ''; $retval['item_securitytype_invoker'] = ''; if ($routine['SECURITY_TYPE'] == 'DEFINER') { $retval['item_securitytype_definer'] = " selected='selected'"; } elseif ($routine['SECURITY_TYPE'] == 'INVOKER') { $retval['item_securitytype_invoker'] = " selected='selected'"; } $retval['item_sqldataaccess'] = $routine['SQL_DATA_ACCESS']; $retval['item_comment'] = $routine['ROUTINE_COMMENT']; return $retval; } // self::getDataFromName() /** * Creates one row for the parameter table used in the routine editor. * * @param array $routine Data for the routine returned by * self::getDataFromRequest() or * self::getDataFromName() * @param mixed $index Either a numeric index of the row being processed * or NULL to create a template row for AJAX request * @param string $class Class used to hide the direction column, if the * row is for a stored function. * * @return string HTML code of one row of parameter table for the editor. */ public static function getParameterRow(array $routine = array(), $index = null, $class = '') { global $param_directions, $param_opts_num, $titles; if ($index === null) { // template row for AJAX request $i = 0; $index = '%s'; $drop_class = ''; $routine = array( 'item_param_dir' => array(0 => ''), 'item_param_name' => array(0 => ''), 'item_param_type' => array(0 => ''), 'item_param_length' => array(0 => ''), 'item_param_opts_num' => array(0 => ''), 'item_param_opts_text' => array(0 => '') ); } elseif (! empty($routine)) { // regular row for routine editor $drop_class = ' hide'; $i = $index; } else { // No input data. This shouldn't happen, // but better be safe than sorry. return ''; } // Create the output $retval = ""; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " " . "" . "\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= "
\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " " . Util::getImage('b_edit', '', array('title'=>__('ENUM/SET editor'))) . "\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= "
\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " ---\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= Charsets::getCharsetDropdownBox( $GLOBALS['dbi'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS'], "item_param_opts_text[$index]", null, $routine['item_param_opts_text'][$i] ); $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " ---\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " {$titles['Drop']}\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; return $retval; } // end self::getParameterRow() /** * Displays a form used to add/edit a routine * * @param string $mode If the editor will be used to edit a routine * or add a new one: 'edit' or 'add'. * @param string $operation If the editor was previously invoked with * JS turned off, this will hold the name of * the current operation * @param array $routine Data for the routine returned by * self::getDataFromRequest() or * self::getDataFromName() * * @return string HTML code for the editor. */ public static function getEditorForm($mode, $operation, array $routine) { global $db, $errors, $param_sqldataaccess, $param_opts_num; $response = Response::getInstance(); // Escape special characters $need_escape = array( 'item_original_name', 'item_name', 'item_returnlength', 'item_definition', 'item_definer', 'item_comment' ); foreach ($need_escape as $key => $index) { $routine[$index] = htmlentities($routine[$index], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } for ($i = 0; $i < $routine['item_num_params']; $i++) { $routine['item_param_name'][$i] = htmlentities( $routine['item_param_name'][$i], ENT_QUOTES ); $routine['item_param_length'][$i] = htmlentities( $routine['item_param_length'][$i], ENT_QUOTES ); } // Handle some logic first if ($operation == 'change') { if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') { $routine['item_type'] = 'FUNCTION'; $routine['item_type_toggle'] = 'PROCEDURE'; } else { $routine['item_type'] = 'PROCEDURE'; $routine['item_type_toggle'] = 'FUNCTION'; } } elseif ($operation == 'add' || ($routine['item_num_params'] == 0 && $mode == 'add' && ! $errors) ) { $routine['item_param_dir'][] = ''; $routine['item_param_name'][] = ''; $routine['item_param_type'][] = ''; $routine['item_param_length'][] = ''; $routine['item_param_opts_num'][] = ''; $routine['item_param_opts_text'][] = ''; $routine['item_num_params']++; } elseif ($operation == 'remove') { unset($routine['item_param_dir'][$routine['item_num_params'] - 1]); unset($routine['item_param_name'][$routine['item_num_params'] - 1]); unset($routine['item_param_type'][$routine['item_num_params'] - 1]); unset($routine['item_param_length'][$routine['item_num_params'] - 1]); unset($routine['item_param_opts_num'][$routine['item_num_params'] - 1]); unset($routine['item_param_opts_text'][$routine['item_num_params'] - 1]); $routine['item_num_params']--; } $disableRemoveParam = ''; if (! $routine['item_num_params']) { $disableRemoveParam = " color: gray;' disabled='disabled"; } $original_routine = ''; if ($mode == 'edit') { $original_routine = "\n" . "\n"; } $isfunction_class = ''; $isprocedure_class = ''; $isfunction_select = ''; $isprocedure_select = ''; if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') { $isfunction_class = ' hide'; $isprocedure_select = " selected='selected'"; } else { $isprocedure_class = ' hide'; $isfunction_select = " selected='selected'"; } // Create the output $retval = ""; $retval .= "\n\n"; $retval .= "
\n"; $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= $original_routine; $retval .= Url::getHiddenInputs($db) . "\n"; $retval .= "
\n"; $retval .= "" . __('Details') . "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; // parameter handling end $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['edit_item']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['edit_item']) ) { $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; if ($GLOBALS['proc_priv'] && $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv'] ) { $retval .= " "; } else { $retval .= " "; } $retval .= ""; } $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= ""; $retval .= "
" . __('Routine name') . "\n"; $retval .= " \n"; if ($response->isAjax()) { $retval .= " \n"; } else { $retval .= "\n" . "
\n" . $routine['item_type'] . "\n" . "
\n" . "\n"; } $retval .= "
" . __('Parameters') . "\n"; // parameter handling start $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= " \n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $routine['item_num_params']; $i++) { // each parameter $retval .= self::getParameterRow($routine, $i, $isprocedure_class); } $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= "
" . __('Direction') . "" . __('Name') . "" . __('Type') . "" . __('Length/Values') . "" . __('Options') . " 
"; $retval .= "
 "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= " "; $retval .= "
" . __('Return type') . "
" . __('Return length/values') . "---
" . __('Return options') . "
"; $retval .= Charsets::getCharsetDropdownBox( $GLOBALS['dbi'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS'], "item_returnopts_text", null, $routine['item_returnopts_text'] ); $retval .= "
"; $retval .= "
"; $retval .= "
"; $retval .= "
" . __('Definition') . "
" . __('Is deterministic') . "
" . __('Adjust privileges'); $retval .= Util::showDocu('faq', 'faq6-39'); $retval .= "
" . __('Definer') . "
" . __('Security type') . "
" . __('SQL data access') . "
" . __('Comment') . "
"; $retval .= "
"; if ($response->isAjax()) { $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; } $retval .= "
"; $retval .= ""; return $retval; } // end self::getEditorForm() /** * Composes the query necessary to create a routine from an HTTP request. * * @return string The CREATE [ROUTINE | PROCEDURE] query. */ public static function getQueryFromRequest() { global $_REQUEST, $errors, $param_sqldataaccess, $param_directions, $dbi; $_REQUEST['item_type'] = isset($_REQUEST['item_type']) ? $_REQUEST['item_type'] : ''; $query = 'CREATE '; if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_definer'])) { if (mb_strpos($_REQUEST['item_definer'], '@') !== false) { $arr = explode('@', $_REQUEST['item_definer']); $do_backquote = true; if (substr($arr[0], 0, 1) === "`" && substr($arr[0], -1) === "`" ) { $do_backquote = false; } $query .= 'DEFINER=' . Util::backquote($arr[0], $do_backquote); $do_backquote = true; if (substr($arr[1], 0, 1) === "`" && substr($arr[1], -1) === "`" ) { $do_backquote = false; } $query .= '@' . Util::backquote($arr[1], $do_backquote) . ' '; } else { $errors[] = __('The definer must be in the "username@hostname" format!'); } } if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION' || $_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE' ) { $query .= $_REQUEST['item_type'] . ' '; } else { $errors[] = sprintf( __('Invalid routine type: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['item_type']) ); } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_name'])) { $query .= Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name']); } else { $errors[] = __('You must provide a routine name!'); } $params = ''; $warned_about_dir = false; $warned_about_length = false; if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_param_name']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['item_param_type']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['item_param_length']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_name']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_type']) && is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_length']) ) { $item_param_name = $_REQUEST['item_param_name']; $item_param_type = $_REQUEST['item_param_type']; $item_param_length = $_REQUEST['item_param_length']; for ($i=0, $nb = count($item_param_name); $i < $nb; $i++) { if (! empty($item_param_name[$i]) && ! empty($item_param_type[$i]) ) { if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE' && ! empty($_REQUEST['item_param_dir'][$i]) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_param_dir'][$i], $param_directions) ) { $params .= $_REQUEST['item_param_dir'][$i] . " " . Util::backquote($item_param_name[$i]) . " " . $item_param_type[$i]; } elseif ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION') { $params .= Util::backquote($item_param_name[$i]) . " " . $item_param_type[$i]; } elseif (! $warned_about_dir) { $warned_about_dir = true; $errors[] = sprintf( __('Invalid direction "%s" given for parameter.'), htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['item_param_dir'][$i]) ); } if ($item_param_length[$i] != '' && !preg_match( '@^(DATE|TINYBLOB|TINYTEXT|BLOB|TEXT|' . 'MEDIUMBLOB|MEDIUMTEXT|LONGBLOB|LONGTEXT|' . 'SERIAL|BOOLEAN)$@i', $item_param_type[$i] ) ) { $params .= "(" . $item_param_length[$i] . ")"; } elseif ($item_param_length[$i] == '' && preg_match( '@^(ENUM|SET|VARCHAR|VARBINARY)$@i', $item_param_type[$i] ) ) { if (! $warned_about_length) { $warned_about_length = true; $errors[] = __( 'You must provide length/values for routine parameters' . ' of type ENUM, SET, VARCHAR and VARBINARY.' ); } } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text'][$i])) { if ($dbi->types->getTypeClass($item_param_type[$i]) == 'CHAR') { if(! in_array($item_param_type[$i], array('VARBINARY', 'BINARY'))) { $params .= ' CHARSET ' . mb_strtolower( $_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text'][$i] ); } } } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num'][$i])) { if ($dbi->types->getTypeClass($item_param_type[$i]) == 'NUMBER') { $params .= ' ' . mb_strtoupper( $_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num'][$i] ); } } if ($i != (count($item_param_name) - 1)) { $params .= ", "; } } else { $errors[] = __( 'You must provide a name and a type for each routine parameter.' ); break; } } } $query .= "(" . $params . ") "; if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION') { $item_returntype = isset($_REQUEST['item_returntype']) ? $_REQUEST['item_returntype'] : null; if (! empty($item_returntype) && in_array( $item_returntype, Util::getSupportedDatatypes() ) ) { $query .= "RETURNS " . $item_returntype; } else { $errors[] = __('You must provide a valid return type for the routine.'); } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_returnlength']) && !preg_match( '@^(DATE|DATETIME|TIME|TINYBLOB|TINYTEXT|BLOB|TEXT|' . 'MEDIUMBLOB|MEDIUMTEXT|LONGBLOB|LONGTEXT|SERIAL|BOOLEAN)$@i', $item_returntype ) ) { $query .= "(" . $_REQUEST['item_returnlength'] . ")"; } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['item_returnlength']) && preg_match( '@^(ENUM|SET|VARCHAR|VARBINARY)$@i', $item_returntype ) ) { if (! $warned_about_length) { $errors[] = __( 'You must provide length/values for routine parameters' . ' of type ENUM, SET, VARCHAR and VARBINARY.' ); } } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_returnopts_text'])) { if ($dbi->types->getTypeClass($item_returntype) == 'CHAR') { $query .= ' CHARSET ' . mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['item_returnopts_text']); } } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_returnopts_num'])) { if ($dbi->types->getTypeClass($item_returntype) == 'NUMBER') { $query .= ' ' . mb_strtoupper($_REQUEST['item_returnopts_num']); } } $query .= ' '; } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_comment'])) { $query .= "COMMENT '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($_REQUEST['item_comment']) . "' "; } if (isset($_REQUEST['item_isdeterministic'])) { $query .= 'DETERMINISTIC '; } else { $query .= 'NOT DETERMINISTIC '; } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess']) && in_array($_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess'], $param_sqldataaccess) ) { $query .= $_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess'] . ' '; } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'])) { if ($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] == 'DEFINER' || $_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] == 'INVOKER' ) { $query .= 'SQL SECURITY ' . $_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] . ' '; } } if (! empty($_REQUEST['item_definition'])) { $query .= $_REQUEST['item_definition']; } else { $errors[] = __('You must provide a routine definition.'); } return $query; } // end self::getQueryFromRequest() /** * Handles requests for executing a routine * * @return void */ public static function handleExecute() { global $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $GLOBALS, $db; $response = Response::getInstance(); /** * Handle all user requests other than the default of listing routines */ if (! empty($_REQUEST['execute_routine']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['item_name'])) { // Build the queries $routine = self::getDataFromName( $_REQUEST['item_name'], $_REQUEST['item_type'], false ); if ($routine === false) { $message = __('Error in processing request:') . ' '; $message .= sprintf( Words::get('not_found'), htmlspecialchars(Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name'])), htmlspecialchars(Util::backquote($db)) ); $message = Message::error($message); if ($response->isAjax()) { $response->setRequestStatus(false); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } else { echo $message->getDisplay(); unset($_POST); } } $queries = array(); $end_query = array(); $args = array(); $all_functions = $GLOBALS['dbi']->types->getAllFunctions(); for ($i = 0; $i < $routine['item_num_params']; $i++) { if (isset($_REQUEST['params'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]])) { $value = $_REQUEST['params'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]]; if (is_array($value)) { // is SET type $value = implode(',', $value); } $value = $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($value); if (! empty($_REQUEST['funcs'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]]) && in_array( $_REQUEST['funcs'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]], $all_functions ) ) { $queries[] = "SET @p$i=" . $_REQUEST['funcs'][$routine['item_param_name'][$i]] . "('$value');\n"; } else { $queries[] = "SET @p$i='$value';\n"; } $args[] = "@p$i"; } else { $args[] = "@p$i"; } if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') { if ($routine['item_param_dir'][$i] == 'OUT' || $routine['item_param_dir'][$i] == 'INOUT' ) { $end_query[] = "@p$i AS " . Util::backquote($routine['item_param_name'][$i]); } } } if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') { $queries[] = "CALL " . Util::backquote($routine['item_name']) . "(" . implode(', ', $args) . ");\n"; if (count($end_query)) { $queries[] = "SELECT " . implode(', ', $end_query) . ";\n"; } } else { $queries[] = "SELECT " . Util::backquote($routine['item_name']) . "(" . implode(', ', $args) . ") " . "AS " . Util::backquote($routine['item_name']) . ";\n"; } // Get all the queries as one SQL statement $multiple_query = implode("", $queries); $outcome = true; $affected = 0; // Execute query if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryMultiQuery($multiple_query)) { $outcome = false; } // Generate output if ($outcome) { // Pass the SQL queries through the "pretty printer" $output = Util::formatSql(implode($queries, "\n")); // Display results $output .= "
"; $output .= sprintf( __('Execution results of routine %s'), Util::backquote(htmlspecialchars($routine['item_name'])) ); $output .= ""; $nbResultsetToDisplay = 0; do { $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->storeResult(); $num_rows = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($result); if (($result !== false) && ($num_rows > 0)) { $output .= ""; foreach ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getFieldsMeta($result) as $field) { $output .= ""; } $output .= ""; while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) { $output .= "" . self::browseRow($row) . ""; } $output .= "
"; $output .= htmlspecialchars($field->name); $output .= "
"; $nbResultsetToDisplay++; $affected = $num_rows; } if (! $GLOBALS['dbi']->moreResults()) { break; } $output .= "
"; $GLOBALS['dbi']->freeResult($result); } while ($outcome = $GLOBALS['dbi']->nextResult()); } if ($outcome) { $output .= "
"; $message = __('Your SQL query has been executed successfully.'); if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') { $message .= '
'; // TODO : message need to be modified according to the // output from the routine $message .= sprintf( _ngettext( '%d row affected by the last statement inside the ' . 'procedure.', '%d rows affected by the last statement inside the ' . 'procedure.', $affected ), $affected ); } $message = Message::success($message); if ($nbResultsetToDisplay == 0) { $notice = __( 'MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).' ); $output .= Message::notice($notice)->getDisplay(); } } else { $output = ''; $message = Message::error( sprintf( __('The following query has failed: "%s"'), htmlspecialchars($multiple_query) ) . '

' . __('MySQL said: ') . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError() ); } // Print/send output if ($response->isAjax()) { $response->setRequestStatus($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('message', $message->getDisplay() . $output); $response->addJSON('dialog', false); exit; } else { echo $message->getDisplay() , $output; if ($message->isError()) { // At least one query has failed, so shouldn't // execute any more queries, so we quit. exit; } unset($_POST); // Now deliberately fall through to displaying the routines list } return; } elseif (! empty($_GET['execute_dialog']) && ! empty($_GET['item_name'])) { /** * Display the execute form for a routine. */ $routine = self::getDataFromName( $_GET['item_name'], $_GET['item_type'], true ); if ($routine !== false) { $form = self::getExecuteForm($routine); if ($response->isAjax()) { $title = __("Execute routine") . " " . Util::backquote( htmlentities($_GET['item_name'], ENT_QUOTES) ); $response->addJSON('message', $form); $response->addJSON('title', $title); $response->addJSON('dialog', true); } else { echo "\n\n

" . __("Execute routine") . "

\n\n"; echo $form; } exit; } elseif (($response->isAjax())) { $message = __('Error in processing request:') . ' '; $message .= sprintf( Words::get('not_found'), htmlspecialchars(Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_name'])), htmlspecialchars(Util::backquote($db)) ); $message = Message::error($message); $response->setRequestStatus(false); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } } } /** * Browse row array * * @param array $row Columns * * @return string */ private static function browseRow(array $row) { $output = null; foreach ($row as $value) { if ($value === null) { $value = 'NULL'; } else { $value = htmlspecialchars($value); } $output .= "" . $value . ""; } return $output; } /** * Creates the HTML code that shows the routine execution dialog. * * @param array $routine Data for the routine returned by * self::getDataFromName() * * @return string HTML code for the routine execution dialog. */ public static function getExecuteForm(array $routine) { global $db, $cfg; $response = Response::getInstance(); // Escape special characters $routine['item_name'] = htmlentities($routine['item_name'], ENT_QUOTES); for ($i = 0; $i < $routine['item_num_params']; $i++) { $routine['item_param_name'][$i] = htmlentities( $routine['item_param_name'][$i], ENT_QUOTES ); } // Create the output $retval = ""; $retval .= "\n\n"; $retval .= "
isAjax()) { $retval .= "{$routine['item_name']}\n"; $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; } else { $retval .= "" . __('Routine parameters') . "\n"; $retval .= "
\n"; $retval .= __('Routine parameters'); $retval .= "
\n"; } $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; if ($cfg['ShowFunctionFields']) { $retval .= "\n"; } $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; // Get a list of data types that are not yet supported. $no_support_types = Util::unsupportedDatatypes(); for ($i = 0; $i < $routine['item_num_params']; $i++) { // Each parameter if ($routine['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE' && $routine['item_param_dir'][$i] == 'OUT' ) { continue; } $retval .= "\n\n"; $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; if ($cfg['ShowFunctionFields']) { $retval .= "\n"; } // Append a class to date/time fields so that // jQuery can attach a datepicker to them $class = ''; if ($routine['item_param_type'][$i] == 'DATETIME' || $routine['item_param_type'][$i] == 'TIMESTAMP' ) { $class = 'datetimefield'; } elseif ($routine['item_param_type'][$i] == 'DATE') { $class = 'datefield'; } $retval .= "\n"; $retval .= "\n"; } $retval .= "\n
" . __('Name') . "" . __('Type') . "" . __('Function') . "" . __('Value') . "
{$routine['item_param_name'][$i]}{$routine['item_param_type'][$i]}\n"; if (stristr($routine['item_param_type'][$i], 'enum') || stristr($routine['item_param_type'][$i], 'set') || in_array( mb_strtolower($routine['item_param_type'][$i]), $no_support_types ) ) { $retval .= "--\n"; } else { $field = array( 'True_Type' => mb_strtolower( $routine['item_param_type'][$i] ), 'Type' => '', 'Key' => '', 'Field' => '', 'Default' => '', 'first_timestamp' => false ); $retval .= ""; } $retval .= "\n"; if (in_array($routine['item_param_type'][$i], array('ENUM', 'SET'))) { if ($routine['item_param_type'][$i] == 'ENUM') { $input_type = 'radio'; } else { $input_type = 'checkbox'; } foreach ($routine['item_param_length_arr'][$i] as $value) { $value = htmlentities(Util::unquote($value), ENT_QUOTES); $retval .= "" . $value . "
\n"; } } elseif (in_array( mb_strtolower($routine['item_param_type'][$i]), $no_support_types )) { $retval .= "\n"; } else { $retval .= "\n"; } $retval .= "
\n"; if (! $response->isAjax()) { $retval .= "\n\n"; $retval .= "
\n"; $retval .= " \n"; $retval .= "
\n"; } else { $retval .= ""; $retval .= ""; } $retval .= "
\n\n"; $retval .= "\n\n"; return $retval; } // end self::getExecuteForm() }