getRoutines($db, $type);
echo RteList::get('routine', $items);
* Display the form for adding a new routine, if the user has the privileges.
echo Footer::routines();
* Display a warning for users with PHP's old "mysql" extension.
if (! DatabaseInterface::checkDbExtension('mysqli')) {
'You are using PHP\'s deprecated \'mysql\' extension, '
. 'which is not capable of handling multi queries. '
. '[strong]The execution of some stored routines may fail![/strong] '
. 'Please use the improved \'mysqli\' extension to '
. 'avoid any problems.'
} // end self::main()
* Handles editor requests for adding or editing an item
* @return void
public static function handleEditor()
global $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $GLOBALS, $db, $errors;
$errors = self::handleRequestCreateOrEdit($errors, $db);
$response = Response::getInstance();
* Display a form used to add/edit a routine, if necessary
// FIXME: this must be simpler than that
if (count($errors)
|| ( empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_add'])
&& empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_edit'])
&& (! empty($_REQUEST['add_item']) || ! empty($_REQUEST['edit_item'])
|| ! empty($_REQUEST['routine_addparameter'])
|| ! empty($_REQUEST['routine_removeparameter'])
|| ! empty($_REQUEST['routine_changetype'])))
) {
// Handle requests to add/remove parameters and changing routine type
// This is necessary when JS is disabled
$operation = '';
if (! empty($_REQUEST['routine_addparameter'])) {
$operation = 'add';
} elseif (! empty($_REQUEST['routine_removeparameter'])) {
$operation = 'remove';
} elseif (! empty($_REQUEST['routine_changetype'])) {
$operation = 'change';
// Get the data for the form (if any)
if (! empty($_REQUEST['add_item'])) {
$title = Words::get('add');
$routine = self::getDataFromRequest();
$mode = 'add';
} elseif (! empty($_REQUEST['edit_item'])) {
$title = __("Edit routine");
if (! $operation && ! empty($_REQUEST['item_name'])
&& empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_edit'])
) {
$routine = self::getDataFromName(
$_REQUEST['item_name'], $_REQUEST['item_type']
if ($routine !== false) {
$routine['item_original_name'] = $routine['item_name'];
$routine['item_original_type'] = $routine['item_type'];
} else {
$routine = self::getDataFromRequest();
$mode = 'edit';
if ($routine !== false) {
// Show form
$editor = self::getEditorForm($mode, $operation, $routine);
if ($response->isAjax()) {
$response->addJSON('message', $editor);
$response->addJSON('title', $title);
$response->addJSON('param_template', self::getParameterRow());
$response->addJSON('type', $routine['item_type']);
} else {
echo "\n\n
} else {
$message = __('Error in processing request:') . ' ';
$message .= sprintf(
$message = Message::error($message);
if ($response->isAjax()) {
$response->addJSON('message', $message);
} else {
* Handle request to create or edit a routine
* @param array $errors Errors
* @param string $db DB name
* @return array
public static function handleRequestCreateOrEdit(array $errors, $db)
if (empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_add'])
&& empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_edit'])
) {
return $errors;
$sql_query = '';
$routine_query = self::getQueryFromRequest();
if (!count($errors)) { // set by self::getQueryFromRequest()
// Execute the created query
if (!empty($_REQUEST['editor_process_edit'])) {
$isProcOrFunc = in_array(
if (!$isProcOrFunc) {
$errors[] = sprintf(
__('Invalid routine type: "%s"'),
} else {
// Backup the old routine, in case something goes wrong
$create_routine = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition(
$privilegesBackup = self::backupPrivileges();
$drop_routine = "DROP {$_REQUEST['item_original_type']} "
. Util::backquote($_REQUEST['item_original_name'])
. ";\n";
$result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($drop_routine);
if (!$result) {
$errors[] = sprintf(
__('The following query has failed: "%s"'),
. ' '
. __('MySQL said: ') . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();
} else {
list($newErrors, $message) = self::create(
if (empty($newErrors)) {
$sql_query = $drop_routine . $routine_query;
} else {
$errors = array_merge($errors, $newErrors);
if (null === $message) {
} else {
// 'Add a new routine' mode
$result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($routine_query);
if (!$result) {
$errors[] = sprintf(
__('The following query has failed: "%s"'),
. '
. __('MySQL said: ') . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();
} else {
$message = Message::success(
__('Routine %1$s has been created.')
$sql_query = $routine_query;
if (count($errors)) {
$message = Message::error(
'One or more errors have occurred while'
. ' processing your request:'
foreach ($errors as $string) {
' . $string . '
$output = Util::getMessage($message, $sql_query);
$response = Response::getInstance();
if (!$response->isAjax()) {
return $errors;
if (!$message->isSuccess()) {
$response->addJSON('message', $output);
$routines = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getRoutines(
$routine = $routines[0];
$response->addJSON('new_row', RteList::getRoutineRow($routine));
$response->addJSON('insert', !empty($routine));
$response->addJSON('message', $output);
* Backup the privileges
* @return array
public static function backupPrivileges()
if (! $GLOBALS['proc_priv'] || ! $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv']) {
return array();
// Backup the Old Privileges before dropping
// if $_REQUEST['item_adjust_privileges'] set
if (! isset($_REQUEST['item_adjust_privileges'])
|| empty($_REQUEST['item_adjust_privileges'])
) {
return array();
$privilegesBackupQuery = 'SELECT * FROM ' . Util::backquote(
. '.' . Util::backquote('procs_priv')
. ' where Routine_name = "' . $_REQUEST['item_original_name']
. '" AND Routine_type = "' . $_REQUEST['item_original_type']
. '";';
$privilegesBackup = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
return $privilegesBackup;
* Create the routine
* @param string $routine_query Query to create routine
* @param string $create_routine Query to restore routine
* @param array $privilegesBackup Privileges backup
* @return array
public static function create(
array $privilegesBackup
) {
$result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($routine_query);
if (!$result) {
$errors = array();
$errors[] = sprintf(
__('The following query has failed: "%s"'),
. ' '
. __('MySQL said: ') . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();
// We dropped the old routine,
// but were unable to create the new one
// Try to restore the backup query
$result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($create_routine);
$errors = General::checkResult(
'Sorry, we failed to restore'
. ' the dropped routine.'
return array($errors, null);
// Default value
$resultAdjust = false;
if ($GLOBALS['proc_priv']
&& $GLOBALS['is_reload_priv']
) {
// Insert all the previous privileges
// but with the new name and the new type
foreach ($privilegesBackup as $priv) {
$adjustProcPrivilege = 'INSERT INTO '
. Util::backquote('mysql') . '.'
. Util::backquote('procs_priv')
. ' VALUES("' . $priv[0] . '", "'
. $priv[1] . '", "' . $priv[2] . '", "'
. $_REQUEST['item_name'] . '", "'
. $_REQUEST['item_type'] . '", "'
. $priv[5] . '", "'
. $priv[6] . '", "'
. $priv[7] . '");';
$resultAdjust = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
$message = self::flushPrivileges($resultAdjust);
return array(array(), $message);
* Flush privileges and get message
* @param bool $flushPrivileges Flush privileges
* @return Message
public static function flushPrivileges($flushPrivileges)
if ($flushPrivileges) {
// Flush the Privileges
$flushPrivQuery = 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES;';
$message = Message::success(
'Routine %1$s has been modified. Privileges have been adjusted.'
} else {
$message = Message::success(
__('Routine %1$s has been modified.')
return $message;
} // end self::handleEditor()
* This function will generate the values that are required to
* complete the editor form. It is especially necessary to handle
* the 'Add another parameter', 'Remove last parameter' and
* 'Change routine type' functionalities when JS is disabled.
* @return array Data necessary to create the routine editor.
public static function getDataFromRequest()
global $_REQUEST, $param_directions, $param_sqldataaccess;
$retval = array();
$indices = array('item_name',
foreach ($indices as $index) {
$retval[$index] = isset($_REQUEST[$index]) ? $_REQUEST[$index] : '';
$retval['item_type'] = 'PROCEDURE';
$retval['item_type_toggle'] = 'FUNCTION';
if (isset($_REQUEST['item_type']) && $_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION') {
$retval['item_type'] = 'FUNCTION';
$retval['item_type_toggle'] = 'PROCEDURE';
$retval['item_original_type'] = 'PROCEDURE';
if (isset($_REQUEST['item_original_type'])
&& $_REQUEST['item_original_type'] == 'FUNCTION'
) {
$retval['item_original_type'] = 'FUNCTION';
$retval['item_num_params'] = 0;
$retval['item_param_dir'] = array();
$retval['item_param_name'] = array();
$retval['item_param_type'] = array();
$retval['item_param_length'] = array();
$retval['item_param_opts_num'] = array();
$retval['item_param_opts_text'] = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST['item_param_name'])
&& isset($_REQUEST['item_param_type'])
&& isset($_REQUEST['item_param_length'])
&& isset($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num'])
&& isset($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text'])
&& is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_name'])
&& is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_type'])
&& is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_length'])
&& is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num'])
&& is_array($_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text'])
) {
if ($_REQUEST['item_type'] == 'PROCEDURE') {
$retval['item_param_dir'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_dir'];
foreach ($retval['item_param_dir'] as $key => $value) {
if (! in_array($value, $param_directions, true)) {
$retval['item_param_dir'][$key] = '';
$retval['item_param_name'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_name'];
$retval['item_param_type'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_type'];
foreach ($retval['item_param_type'] as $key => $value) {
if (! in_array($value, Util::getSupportedDatatypes(), true)) {
$retval['item_param_type'][$key] = '';
$retval['item_param_length'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_length'];
$retval['item_param_opts_num'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_opts_num'];
$retval['item_param_opts_text'] = $_REQUEST['item_param_opts_text'];
$retval['item_num_params'] = max(
$retval['item_returntype'] = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['item_returntype'])
&& in_array($_REQUEST['item_returntype'], Util::getSupportedDatatypes())
) {
$retval['item_returntype'] = $_REQUEST['item_returntype'];
$retval['item_isdeterministic'] = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['item_isdeterministic'])
&& mb_strtolower($_REQUEST['item_isdeterministic']) == 'on'
) {
$retval['item_isdeterministic'] = " checked='checked'";
$retval['item_securitytype_definer'] = '';
$retval['item_securitytype_invoker'] = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] === 'DEFINER') {
$retval['item_securitytype_definer'] = " selected='selected'";
} elseif ($_REQUEST['item_securitytype'] === 'INVOKER') {
$retval['item_securitytype_invoker'] = " selected='selected'";
$retval['item_sqldataaccess'] = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess'])
&& in_array($_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess'], $param_sqldataaccess, true)
) {
$retval['item_sqldataaccess'] = $_REQUEST['item_sqldataaccess'];
return $retval;
} // end self::getDataFromRequest()
* This function will generate the values that are required to complete
* the "Edit routine" form given the name of a routine.
* @param string $name The name of the routine.
* @param string $type Type of routine (ROUTINE|PROCEDURE)
* @param bool $all Whether to return all data or just the info about parameters.
* @return array Data necessary to create the routine editor.
public static function getDataFromName($name, $type, $all = true)
global $db;
$retval = array();
// Build and execute the query
$where = "ROUTINE_SCHEMA " . Util::getCollateForIS() . "="
. "'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "' "
. "AND SPECIFIC_NAME='" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($name) . "'"
. "AND ROUTINE_TYPE='" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($type) . "'";
$routine = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchSingleRow($query, 'ASSOC');
if (! $routine) {
return false;
// Get required data
$retval['item_name'] = $routine['SPECIFIC_NAME'];
$retval['item_type'] = $routine['ROUTINE_TYPE'];
= $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition(
if ($definition == null) {
return false;
$parser = new Parser($definition);
* @var CreateStatement $stmt
$stmt = $parser->statements[0];
$params = Routine::getParameters($stmt);
$retval['item_num_params'] = $params['num'];
$retval['item_param_dir'] = $params['dir'];
$retval['item_param_name'] = $params['name'];
$retval['item_param_type'] = $params['type'];
$retval['item_param_length'] = $params['length'];
$retval['item_param_length_arr'] = $params['length_arr'];
$retval['item_param_opts_num'] = $params['opts'];
$retval['item_param_opts_text'] = $params['opts'];
// Get extra data
if (!$all) {
return $retval;
if ($retval['item_type'] == 'FUNCTION') {
$retval['item_type_toggle'] = 'PROCEDURE';
} else {
$retval['item_type_toggle'] = 'FUNCTION';
$retval['item_returntype'] = '';
$retval['item_returnlength'] = '';
$retval['item_returnopts_num'] = '';
$retval['item_returnopts_text'] = '';
if (! empty($routine['DTD_IDENTIFIER'])) {
$options = array();
foreach ($stmt->return->options->options as $opt) {
$options[] = is_string($opt) ? $opt : $opt['value'];
$retval['item_returntype'] = $stmt->return->name;
$retval['item_returnlength'] = implode(',', $stmt->return->parameters);
$retval['item_returnopts_num'] = implode(' ', $options);
$retval['item_returnopts_text'] = implode(' ', $options);
$retval['item_definer'] = $stmt->options->has('DEFINER');
$retval['item_definition'] = $routine['ROUTINE_DEFINITION'];
$retval['item_isdeterministic'] = '';
if ($routine['IS_DETERMINISTIC'] == 'YES') {
$retval['item_isdeterministic'] = " checked='checked'";
$retval['item_securitytype_definer'] = '';
$retval['item_securitytype_invoker'] = '';
if ($routine['SECURITY_TYPE'] == 'DEFINER') {
$retval['item_securitytype_definer'] = " selected='selected'";
} elseif ($routine['SECURITY_TYPE'] == 'INVOKER') {
$retval['item_securitytype_invoker'] = " selected='selected'";
$retval['item_sqldataaccess'] = $routine['SQL_DATA_ACCESS'];
$retval['item_comment'] = $routine['ROUTINE_COMMENT'];
return $retval;
} // self::getDataFromName()
* Creates one row for the parameter table used in the routine editor.
* @param array $routine Data for the routine returned by
* self::getDataFromRequest() or
* self::getDataFromName()
* @param mixed $index Either a numeric index of the row being processed
* or NULL to create a template row for AJAX request
* @param string $class Class used to hide the direction column, if the
* row is for a stored function.
* @return string HTML code of one row of parameter table for the editor.
public static function getParameterRow(array $routine = array(), $index = null, $class = '')
global $param_directions, $param_opts_num, $titles;
if ($index === null) {
// template row for AJAX request
$i = 0;
$index = '%s';
$drop_class = '';
$routine = array(
'item_param_dir' => array(0 => ''),
'item_param_name' => array(0 => ''),
'item_param_type' => array(0 => ''),
'item_param_length' => array(0 => ''),
'item_param_opts_num' => array(0 => ''),
'item_param_opts_text' => array(0 => '')
} elseif (! empty($routine)) {
// regular row for routine editor
$drop_class = ' hide';
$i = $index;
} else {
// No input data. This shouldn't happen,
// but better be safe than sorry.
return '';
// Create the output
$retval = "";
$retval .= "