parent = false;
$this->blocks = array(
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
// line 1
echo "\$( function() {
// line 3
echo " \$(\"#buttonGo\").bind(\"click\", function() {
// line 5
echo " \$(\"#upload_form_form\").css(\"display\", \"none\");
// line 7
if ((($context["handler"] ?? null) != "PhpMyAdmin\\Plugins\\Import\\Upload\\UploadNoplugin")) {
// line 8
echo " ";
// line 9
echo " ";
$context["ajax_url"] = ((("import_status.php?id=" . ($context["upload_id"] ?? null)) . "&") . PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommonRaw(array("import_status" => 1)));
// line 12
echo " ";
$context["promot_str"] = PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::jsFormat(_gettext("The file being uploaded is probably larger than the maximum allowed size or this is a known bug in webkit based (Safari, Google Chrome, Arora etc.) browsers."), false);
// line 16
echo " ";
$context["statustext_str"] = PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::escapeJsString(_gettext("%s of %s"));
// line 17
echo " ";
$context["second_str"] = PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::jsFormat(_gettext("%s/sec."), false);
// line 18
echo " ";
$context["remaining_min"] = PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::jsFormat(_gettext("About %MIN min. %SEC sec. remaining."), false);
// line 19
echo " ";
$context["remaining_second"] = PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::jsFormat(_gettext("About %SEC sec. remaining."), false);
// line 20
echo " ";
$context["processed_str"] = PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::jsFormat(_gettext("The file is being processed, please be patient."), false);
// line 24
echo " ";
$context["import_url"] = PhpMyAdmin\Url::getCommonRaw(array("import_status" => 1));
// line 25
echo "
// line 26
// line 27
echo " ";
// line 28
echo "

env, ($context["pma_theme_image"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "ajax_clock_small.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"ajax clock\" /> ";
echo PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::jsFormat(_gettext("Uploading your import fileā¦"), false);
// line 37
echo "
echo trim(preg_replace('/>\s+', '><', ob_get_clean()));
// line 41
echo " ";
$context["upload_html"] = ('' === $tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Twig_Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset());
// line 42
echo "
// line 44
echo " var finished = false;
var percent = 0.0;
var total = 0;
var complete = 0;
var original_title = parent && parent.document ? parent.document.title : false;
var import_start;
var perform_upload = function () {
new \$.getJSON(
// line 53
echo ($context["ajax_url"] ?? null);
echo "\",
function(response) {
finished = response.finished;
percent = response.percent;
total =;
complete = response.complete;
if (total==0 && complete==0 && percent==0) {
env, ($context["pma_theme_image"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "ajax_clock_small.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"ajax clock\" /> ";
echo ($context["promot_str"] ?? null);
echo "');
\$(\"#upload_form_status\").css(\"display\", \"none\");
} else {
var now = new Date();
now = Date.UTC(
+ now.getMilliseconds() - 1000;
var statustext = PMA_sprintf(
// line 75
echo ($context["statustext_str"] ?? null);
echo "\",
complete, 1, PMA_messages.strDecimalSeparator
total, 1, PMA_messages.strDecimalSeparator
if (\$(\"#importmain\").is(\":visible\")) {
// line 86
echo " \$(\"#importmain\").hide();
// line 88
echo ($context["upload_html"] ?? null);
echo "')
import_start = now;
else if (percent > 9 || complete > 2000000) {
// line 94
echo " var used_time = now - import_start;
var seconds = parseInt(((total - complete) / complete) * used_time / 1000);
var speed = PMA_sprintf(
// line 97
echo ($context["second_str"] ?? null);
echo "\",
formatBytes(complete / used_time * 1000, 1, PMA_messages.strDecimalSeparator)
var minutes = parseInt(seconds / 60);
seconds %= 60;
var estimated_time;
if (minutes > 0) {
estimated_time = \"";
// line 105
echo ($context["remaining_min"] ?? null);
echo "\"
.replace(\"%MIN\", minutes)
.replace(\"%SEC\", seconds);
else {
estimated_time = \"";
// line 110
echo ($context["remaining_second"] ?? null);
echo "\"
.replace(\"%SEC\", seconds);
statustext += \"
\" + speed + \"
\" + estimated_time;
var percent_str = Math.round(percent) + \"%\";
\$(\"#status\").animate({width: percent_str}, 150);
// line 122
echo " if (original_title !== false) {
= percent_str + \" - \" + original_title;
else {
= percent_str + \" - \" + original_title;
if (finished == true) {
if (original_title !== false) {
parent.document.title = original_title;
else {
document.title = original_title;
// line 142
echo " \$(\"#import_form_status\")
env, ($context["pma_theme_image"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "ajax_clock_small.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"ajax clock\" /> ";
echo ($context["processed_str"] ?? null);
echo "')
// line 145
echo ($context["import_url"] ?? null);
echo "\");
// line 149
echo " }
else {
setTimeout(perform_upload, 1000);
setTimeout(perform_upload, 1000);
} else {
// line 157
echo " ";
// line 158
echo " ";
// line 159
echo "
env, ($context["pma_theme_image"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
// line 160
echo "ajax_clock_small.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" alt=\"ajax clock\" />";
// line 161
echo PhpMyAdmin\Sanitize::jsFormat(_gettext("Please be patient, the file is being uploaded. Details about the upload are not available."), false);
// line 165
echo PhpMyAdmin\Util::showDocu("faq", "faq2-9");
$context["image_tag"] = ('' === $tmp = ob_get_clean()) ? '' : new Twig_Markup($tmp, $this->env->getCharset());
// line 167
echo " \$('#upload_form_status_info').html('";
echo ($context["image_tag"] ?? null);
echo "');
\$(\"#upload_form_status\").css(\"display\", \"none\");
// line 170
echo " });
public function getTemplateName()
return "display/import/javascript.twig";
public function isTraitable()
return false;
public function getDebugInfo()
return array ( 264 => 170, 257 => 167, 254 => 165, 252 => 161, 250 => 160, 247 => 159, 244 => 158, 242 => 157, 232 => 149, 226 => 145, 219 => 143, 216 => 142, 195 => 122, 181 => 110, 173 => 105, 162 => 97, 157 => 94, 149 => 88, 145 => 86, 132 => 75, 114 => 62, 102 => 53, 91 => 44, 88 => 42, 85 => 41, 79 => 37, 75 => 36, 65 => 28, 62 => 27, 60 => 26, 57 => 25, 54 => 24, 51 => 20, 48 => 19, 45 => 18, 42 => 17, 39 => 16, 36 => 12, 33 => 9, 31 => 8, 29 => 7, 25 => 5, 22 => 3, 19 => 1,);
/** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */
public function getSource()
@trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode();
public function getSourceContext()
return new Twig_Source("", "display/import/javascript.twig", "/var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/templates/display/import/javascript.twig");