parent = false;
$this->blocks = array(
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
// line 1
echo "
env, ($context["pma_theme_image"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "arrow_";
echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, ($context["text_dir"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo ".png\"
width=\"38\" height=\"22\" alt=\"";
// line 2
echo _gettext("With selected:");
echo "\" />
env, ($context["form_name"] ?? null), "html", null, true);
echo "_checkall\" class=\"checkall_box\"
// line 4
echo _gettext("Check all");
echo "\" />
// line 6
echo _gettext("With selected:");
echo "
public function getTemplateName()
return "select_all.twig";
public function isTraitable()
return false;
public function getDebugInfo()
return array ( 44 => 6, 38 => 5, 34 => 4, 30 => 3, 26 => 2, 19 => 1,);
/** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */
public function getSource()
@trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode();
public function getSourceContext()
return new Twig_Source("", "select_all.twig", "/var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/templates/select_all.twig");