parent = false; $this->blocks = array( ); } protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array()) { // line 1 if ((($context["search_type"] ?? null) == "zoom")) { // line 2 echo " "; $this->loadTemplate("table/search/form_tag.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 2)->display(array("script_name" => "tbl_zoom_select.php", "form_id" => "zoom_search_form", "db" => // line 5 ($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 6 ($context["table"] ?? null), "goto" => // line 7 ($context["goto"] ?? null))); // line 9 echo "
"; // line 12 echo _gettext("Do a \"query by example\" (wildcard: \"%\") for two different columns"); // line 13 echo " "; // line 14 $this->loadTemplate("table/search/fields_table.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 14)->display(array("self" => // line 15 ($context["self"] ?? null), "search_type" => // line 16 ($context["search_type"] ?? null), "geom_column_flag" => // line 17 ($context["geom_column_flag"] ?? null), "column_names" => // line 18 ($context["column_names"] ?? null), "column_types" => // line 19 ($context["column_types"] ?? null), "column_collations" => // line 20 ($context["column_collations"] ?? null), "criteria_column_names" => // line 21 ($context["criteria_column_names"] ?? null), "criteria_column_types" => // line 22 ($context["criteria_column_types"] ?? null))); // line 24 echo " "; $this->loadTemplate("table/search/options_zoom.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 24)->display(array("data_label" => // line 25 ($context["data_label"] ?? null), "column_names" => // line 26 ($context["column_names"] ?? null), "max_plot_limit" => // line 27 ($context["max_plot_limit"] ?? null))); // line 29 echo "
"; } elseif (( // line 31 ($context["search_type"] ?? null) == "normal")) { // line 32 echo " "; $this->loadTemplate("table/search/form_tag.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 32)->display(array("script_name" => "tbl_select.php", "form_id" => "tbl_search_form", "db" => // line 35 ($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 36 ($context["table"] ?? null), "goto" => // line 37 ($context["goto"] ?? null))); // line 39 echo "
"; // line 42 echo _gettext("Do a \"query by example\" (wildcard: \"%\")"); // line 43 echo "
"; // line 45 $this->loadTemplate("table/search/fields_table.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 45)->display(array("self" => // line 46 ($context["self"] ?? null), "search_type" => // line 47 ($context["search_type"] ?? null), "geom_column_flag" => // line 48 ($context["geom_column_flag"] ?? null), "column_names" => // line 49 ($context["column_names"] ?? null), "column_types" => // line 50 ($context["column_types"] ?? null), "column_collations" => // line 51 ($context["column_collations"] ?? null), "criteria_column_names" => // line 52 ($context["criteria_column_names"] ?? null), "criteria_column_types" => // line 53 ($context["criteria_column_types"] ?? null))); // line 55 echo "
"; // line 59 $this->loadTemplate("table/search/options.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 59)->display(array("column_names" => // line 60 ($context["column_names"] ?? null), "max_rows" => // line 61 ($context["max_rows"] ?? null))); // line 63 echo "
"; } elseif (( // line 64 ($context["search_type"] ?? null) == "replace")) { // line 65 echo " "; $this->loadTemplate("table/search/form_tag.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 65)->display(array("script_name" => "tbl_find_replace.php", "form_id" => "find_replace_form", "db" => // line 68 ($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 69 ($context["table"] ?? null), "goto" => // line 70 ($context["goto"] ?? null))); // line 72 echo "
"; // line 75 echo _gettext("Find and replace"); // line 76 echo " "; // line 77 $this->loadTemplate("table/search/search_and_replace.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 77)->display(array("column_names" => // line 78 ($context["column_names"] ?? null), "column_types" => // line 79 ($context["column_types"] ?? null), "sql_types" => // line 80 ($context["sql_types"] ?? null))); // line 82 echo "
"; } else { // line 85 echo " "; $this->loadTemplate("table/search/form_tag.twig", "table/search/selection_form.twig", 85)->display(array("script_name" => "", "form_id" => "", "db" => // line 88 ($context["db"] ?? null), "table" => // line 89 ($context["table"] ?? null), "goto" => // line 90 ($context["goto"] ?? null))); } // line 93 echo " "; // line 95 echo "
"; } public function getTemplateName() { return "table/search/selection_form.twig"; } public function isTraitable() { return false; } public function getDebugInfo() { return array ( 149 => 99, 145 => 98, 141 => 97, 137 => 95, 134 => 93, 131 => 90, 130 => 89, 129 => 88, 127 => 85, 122 => 82, 120 => 80, 119 => 79, 118 => 78, 117 => 77, 114 => 76, 112 => 75, 107 => 72, 105 => 70, 104 => 69, 103 => 68, 101 => 65, 99 => 64, 96 => 63, 94 => 61, 93 => 60, 92 => 59, 86 => 55, 84 => 53, 83 => 52, 82 => 51, 81 => 50, 80 => 49, 79 => 48, 78 => 47, 77 => 46, 76 => 45, 72 => 43, 70 => 42, 65 => 39, 63 => 37, 62 => 36, 61 => 35, 59 => 32, 57 => 31, 53 => 29, 51 => 27, 50 => 26, 49 => 25, 47 => 24, 45 => 22, 44 => 21, 43 => 20, 42 => 19, 41 => 18, 40 => 17, 39 => 16, 38 => 15, 37 => 14, 34 => 13, 32 => 12, 27 => 9, 25 => 7, 24 => 6, 23 => 5, 21 => 2, 19 => 1,); } /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */ public function getSource() { @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode(); } public function getSourceContext() { return new Twig_Source("", "table/search/selection_form.twig", "/var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/templates/table/search/selection_form.twig"); } }