. * * Copyright 2006-2007 Ovidio * Copyright 2016 - 2017 Michal Čihař * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, you can download one from * https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. */ namespace PhpMyAdmin\ShapeFile; /** * ShapeFile class. */ class ShapeFile { const MAGIC = 0x270a; public $FileName; private $SHPFile = null; private $SHXFile = null; private $DBFFile = null; private $DBFHeader; public $lastError = ''; public $boundingBox = array('xmin' => 0.0, 'ymin' => 0.0, 'xmax' => 0.0, 'ymax' => 0.0); private $fileLength = 0; public $shapeType = 0; public $records = array(); /** * Checks whether dbase manipuations are supported. * * @return bool */ public static function supports_dbase() { return extension_loaded('dbase'); } /** * @param int $shapeType File shape type, should be same as all records * @param array $boundingBox File bounding box * @param null|mixed $FileName File name */ public function __construct($shapeType, $boundingBox = array('xmin' => 0.0, 'ymin' => 0.0, 'xmax' => 0.0, 'ymax' => 0.0), $FileName = null) { $this->shapeType = $shapeType; $this->boundingBox = $boundingBox; $this->FileName = $FileName; $this->fileLength = 50; // The value for file length is the total length of the file in 16-bit words (including the fifty 16-bit words that make up the header). } /** * Loads shapefile and dbase (if supported). * * @param string $FileName File mask to load (eg. example.*) */ public function loadFromFile($FileName) { if (!empty($FileName)) { $this->FileName = $FileName; $result = $this->_openSHPFile(); } else { /* We operate on buffer emulated by readSHP / eofSHP */ $result = true; } if ($result && ($this->_openDBFFile())) { if (!$this->_loadHeaders()) { $this->_closeSHPFile(); $this->_closeDBFFile(); return false; } if (!$this->_loadRecords()) { $this->_closeSHPFile(); $this->_closeDBFFile(); return false; } $this->_closeSHPFile(); $this->_closeDBFFile(); return true; } return false; } /** * Saves shapefile. * * @param string|null $FileName Name of file, otherwise existing is used */ public function saveToFile($FileName = null) { if (!is_null($FileName)) { $this->FileName = $FileName; } if (($this->_openSHPFile(true)) && ($this->_openSHXFile(true)) && ($this->_createDBFFile())) { $this->_saveHeaders(); $this->_saveRecords(); $this->_closeSHPFile(); $this->_closeSHXFile(); $this->_closeDBFFile(); } else { return false; } } /** * Generates filename with given extension. * * @param string $extension Extension to use (including dot) * * @return string */ private function _getFilename($extension) { return str_replace('.*', $extension, $this->FileName); } /** * Updates bounding box based on SHPData. * * @param string $type Type of box * @param array $data ShapeRecord SHPData */ private function updateBBox($type, $data) { $min = $type . 'min'; $max = $type . 'max'; if (!isset($this->boundingBox[$min]) || $this->boundingBox[$min] == 0.0 || ($this->boundingBox[$min] > $data[$min])) { $this->boundingBox[$min] = $data[$min]; } if (!isset($this->boundingBox[$max]) || $this->boundingBox[$max] == 0.0 || ($this->boundingBox[$max] < $data[$max])) { $this->boundingBox[$max] = $data[$max]; } } /** * Adds record to shape file. * * @param ShapeRecord $record * * @return int Number of added record */ public function addRecord($record) { if ((isset($this->DBFHeader)) && (is_array($this->DBFHeader))) { $record->updateDBFInfo($this->DBFHeader); } $this->fileLength += ($record->getContentLength() + 4); $this->records[] = $record; $this->records[count($this->records) - 1]->recordNumber = count($this->records); $this->updateBBox('x', $record->SHPData); $this->updateBBox('y', $record->SHPData); if (in_array($this->shapeType, array(11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28))) { $this->updateBBox('m', $record->SHPData); } if (in_array($this->shapeType, array(11, 13, 15, 18))) { $this->updateBBox('z', $record->SHPData); } return count($this->records) - 1; } /** * Deletes record from shapefile. * * @param int $index */ public function deleteRecord($index) { if (isset($this->records[$index])) { $this->fileLength -= ($this->records[$index]->getContentLength() + 4); $count = count($this->records) - 1; for ($i = $index; $i < $count; ++$i) { $this->records[$i] = $this->records[$i + 1]; } unset($this->records[count($this->records) - 1]); $this->_deleteRecordFromDBF($index); } } /** * Returns array defining fields in DBF file. * * @return array see setDBFHeader for more information */ public function getDBFHeader() { return $this->DBFHeader; } /** * Changes array defining fields in DBF file, used in dbase_create call. * * @param array $header An array of arrays, each array describing the * format of one field of the database. Each * field consists of a name, a character indicating * the field type, and optionally, a length, * a precision and a nullable flag. */ public function setDBFHeader($header) { $this->DBFHeader = $header; $count = count($this->records); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $this->records[$i]->updateDBFInfo($header); } } /** * Lookups value in the DBF file and returs index. * * @param string $field Field to match * @param mixed $value Value to match * * @return int */ public function getIndexFromDBFData($field, $value) { foreach ($this->records as $index => $record) { if (isset($record->DBFData[$field]) && (trim(strtoupper($record->DBFData[$field])) == strtoupper($value)) ) { return $index; } } return -1; } /** * Loads DBF metadata. */ private function _loadDBFHeader() { $DBFFile = fopen($this->_getFilename('.dbf'), 'r'); $result = array(); $i = 1; $inHeader = true; while ($inHeader) { if (!feof($DBFFile)) { $buff32 = fread($DBFFile, 32); if ($i > 1) { if (substr($buff32, 0, 1) == chr(13)) { $inHeader = false; } else { $pos = strpos(substr($buff32, 0, 10), chr(0)); $pos = ($pos == 0 ? 10 : $pos); $fieldName = substr($buff32, 0, $pos); $fieldType = substr($buff32, 11, 1); $fieldLen = ord(substr($buff32, 16, 1)); $fieldDec = ord(substr($buff32, 17, 1)); array_push($result, array($fieldName, $fieldType, $fieldLen, $fieldDec)); } } ++$i; } else { $inHeader = false; } } fclose($DBFFile); return $result; } /** * Deletes record from the DBF file. * * @param int $index */ private function _deleteRecordFromDBF($index) { if (@dbase_delete_record($this->DBFFile, $index)) { dbase_pack($this->DBFFile); } } /** * Loads SHP file metadata. * * @return bool */ private function _loadHeaders() { if (Util::loadData('N', $this->readSHP(4)) != self::MAGIC) { $this->setError('Not a SHP file (file code mismatch)'); return false; } /* Skip 20 unused bytes */ $this->readSHP(20); $this->fileLength = Util::loadData('N', $this->readSHP(4)); /* We currently ignore version */ $this->readSHP(4); $this->shapeType = Util::loadData('V', $this->readSHP(4)); $this->boundingBox = array(); $this->boundingBox['xmin'] = Util::loadData('d', $this->readSHP(8)); $this->boundingBox['ymin'] = Util::loadData('d', $this->readSHP(8)); $this->boundingBox['xmax'] = Util::loadData('d', $this->readSHP(8)); $this->boundingBox['ymax'] = Util::loadData('d', $this->readSHP(8)); $this->boundingBox['zmin'] = Util::loadData('d', $this->readSHP(8)); $this->boundingBox['zmax'] = Util::loadData('d', $this->readSHP(8)); $this->boundingBox['mmin'] = Util::loadData('d', $this->readSHP(8)); $this->boundingBox['mmax'] = Util::loadData('d', $this->readSHP(8)); if (self::supports_dbase()) { $this->DBFHeader = $this->_loadDBFHeader(); } return true; } /** * Saves bounding box record, possibly using 0 instead of not set values. * * @param file $file File object * @param string $type Bounding box dimension (eg. xmax, mmin...) */ private function _saveBBoxRecord($file, $type) { fwrite($file, Util::packDouble( isset($this->boundingBox[$type]) ? $this->boundingBox[$type] : 0) ); } /** * Saves bounding box to a file. * * @param file $file File object */ private function _saveBBox($file) { $this->_saveBBoxRecord($file, 'xmin'); $this->_saveBBoxRecord($file, 'ymin'); $this->_saveBBoxRecord($file, 'xmax'); $this->_saveBBoxRecord($file, 'ymax'); $this->_saveBBoxRecord($file, 'zmin'); $this->_saveBBoxRecord($file, 'zmax'); $this->_saveBBoxRecord($file, 'mmin'); $this->_saveBBoxRecord($file, 'mmax'); } /** * Saves SHP and SHX file metadata. */ private function _saveHeaders() { fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack('NNNNNN', self::MAGIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack('N', $this->fileLength)); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack('V', 1000)); fwrite($this->SHPFile, pack('V', $this->shapeType)); $this->_saveBBox($this->SHPFile); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack('NNNNNN', self::MAGIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack('N', 50 + 4 * count($this->records))); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack('V', 1000)); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack('V', $this->shapeType)); $this->_saveBBox($this->SHXFile); } /** * Loads records from SHP file (and DBF). * * @return bool */ private function _loadRecords() { /* Need to start at offset 100 */ while (!$this->eofSHP()) { $record = new ShapeRecord(-1); $record->loadFromFile($this, $this->SHPFile, $this->DBFFile); if ($record->lastError != '') { $this->setError($record->lastError); return false; } if (($record->shapeType === false || $record->shapeType === '') && $this->eofSHP()) { break; } $this->records[] = $record; } return true; } /** * Saves records to SHP and SHX files. */ private function _saveRecords() { $offset = 50; if (is_array($this->records) && (count($this->records) > 0)) { foreach ($this->records as $index => $record) { //Save the record to the .shp file $record->saveToFile($this->SHPFile, $this->DBFFile, $index + 1); //Save the record to the .shx file fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack('N', $offset)); fwrite($this->SHXFile, pack('N', $record->getContentLength())); $offset += (4 + $record->getContentLength()); } } } /** * Generic interface to open files. * * @param bool $toWrite Whether file should be opened for writing * @param string $extension File extension * @param string $name Verbose file name to report errors * * @return file|false File handle */ private function _openFile($toWrite, $extension, $name) { $shp_name = $this->_getFilename($extension); $result = @fopen($shp_name, ($toWrite ? 'wb+' : 'rb')); if (!$result) { $this->setError(sprintf('It wasn\'t possible to open the %s file "%s"', $name, $shp_name)); return false; } return $result; } /** * Opens SHP file. * * @param bool $toWrite Whether file should be opened for writing * * @return bool */ private function _openSHPFile($toWrite = false) { $this->SHPFile = $this->_openFile($toWrite, '.shp', 'Shape'); if (!$this->SHPFile) { return false; } return true; } /** * Closes SHP file. */ private function _closeSHPFile() { if ($this->SHPFile) { fclose($this->SHPFile); $this->SHPFile = null; } } /** * Opens SHX file. * * @param bool $toWrite Whether file should be opened for writing * * @return bool */ private function _openSHXFile($toWrite = false) { $this->SHXFile = $this->_openFile($toWrite, '.shx', 'Index'); if (!$this->SHXFile) { return false; } return true; } /** * Closes SHX file. */ private function _closeSHXFile() { if ($this->SHXFile) { fclose($this->SHXFile); $this->SHXFile = null; } } /** * Creates DBF file. * * @return bool */ private function _createDBFFile() { if (!self::supports_dbase() || !is_array($this->DBFHeader) || count($this->DBFHeader) == 0) { $this->DBFFile = null; return true; } $dbf_name = $this->_getFilename('.dbf'); /* Unlink existing file */ if (file_exists($dbf_name)) { unlink($dbf_name); } /* Create new file */ $this->DBFFile = @dbase_create($dbf_name, $this->DBFHeader); if ($this->DBFFile === false) { $this->setError(sprintf('It wasn\'t possible to create the DBase file "%s"', $dbf_name)); return false; } return true; } /** * Loads DBF file if supported. * * @return bool */ private function _openDBFFile() { if (!self::supports_dbase()) { $this->DBFFile = null; return true; } $dbf_name = $this->_getFilename('.dbf'); if (is_readable($dbf_name)) { $this->DBFFile = @dbase_open($dbf_name, 0); if (!$this->DBFFile) { $this->setError(sprintf('It wasn\'t possible to open the DBase file "%s"', $dbf_name)); return false; } } else { $this->setError(sprintf('It wasn\'t possible to find the DBase file "%s"', $dbf_name)); return false; } return true; } /** * Closes DBF file. */ private function _closeDBFFile() { if ($this->DBFFile) { dbase_close($this->DBFFile); $this->DBFFile = null; } } /** * Sets error message. * * @param string $error */ public function setError($error) { $this->lastError = $error; } /** * Reads given number of bytes from SHP file. * * @param int $bytes * * @return string */ public function readSHP($bytes) { return fread($this->SHPFile, $bytes); } /** * Checks whether file is at EOF. * * @return bool */ public function eofSHP() { return feof($this->SHPFile); } /** * Returns shape name. * * @return string */ public function getShapeName() { return Util::nameShape($this->shapeType); } /** * Check whether file contains measure data. * * For some reason this is distinguished by zero bounding box in the * specification. * * @return bool */ public function hasMeasure() { return $this->boundingBox['mmin'] != 0 || $this->boundingBox['mmax'] != 0; } }