1, '*' => 1, '+' => 1, '-' => 1, '/' => 1, // @see Token::FLAG_OPERATOR_LOGICAL '!' => 2, '!=' => 2, '&&' => 2, '<' => 2, '<=' => 2, '<=>' => 2, '<>' => 2, '=' => 2, '>' => 2, '>=' => 2, '||' => 2, // @see Token::FLAG_OPERATOR_BITWISE '&' => 4, '<<' => 4, '>>' => 4, '^' => 4, '|' => 4, '~' => 4, // @see Token::FLAG_OPERATOR_ASSIGNMENT ':=' => 8, // @see Token::FLAG_OPERATOR_SQL '(' => 16, ')' => 16, '.' => 16, ',' => 16, ';' => 16, ); /** * The mode of the MySQL server that will be used in lexing, parsing and * building the statements. * * @var int */ public static $MODE = 0; /* * Server SQL Modes * https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html */ // Compatibility mode for Microsoft's SQL server. // This is the equivalent of ANSI_QUOTES. const SQL_MODE_COMPAT_MYSQL = 2; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_allow_invalid_dates const SQL_MODE_ALLOW_INVALID_DATES = 1; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_ansi_quotes const SQL_MODE_ANSI_QUOTES = 2; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_error_for_division_by_zero const SQL_MODE_ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO = 4; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_high_not_precedence const SQL_MODE_HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE = 8; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_ignore_space const SQL_MODE_IGNORE_SPACE = 16; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_auto_create_user const SQL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER = 32; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_auto_value_on_zero const SQL_MODE_NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO = 64; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_backslash_escapes const SQL_MODE_NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES = 128; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_dir_in_create const SQL_MODE_NO_DIR_IN_CREATE = 256; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_dir_in_create const SQL_MODE_NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION = 512; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_field_options const SQL_MODE_NO_FIELD_OPTIONS = 1024; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_key_options const SQL_MODE_NO_KEY_OPTIONS = 2048; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_table_options const SQL_MODE_NO_TABLE_OPTIONS = 4096; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_unsigned_subtraction const SQL_MODE_NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION = 8192; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_zero_date const SQL_MODE_NO_ZERO_DATE = 16384; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_no_zero_in_date const SQL_MODE_NO_ZERO_IN_DATE = 32768; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_only_full_group_by const SQL_MODE_ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY = 65536; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_pipes_as_concat const SQL_MODE_PIPES_AS_CONCAT = 131072; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_real_as_float const SQL_MODE_REAL_AS_FLOAT = 262144; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_strict_all_tables const SQL_MODE_STRICT_ALL_TABLES = 524288; // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sqlmode_strict_trans_tables const SQL_MODE_STRICT_TRANS_TABLES = 1048576; // Custom modes. // The table and column names and any other field that must be escaped will // not be. // Reserved keywords are being escaped regardless this mode is used or not. const SQL_MODE_NO_ENCLOSING_QUOTES = 1073741824; /* * Combination SQL Modes * https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/sql-mode.html#sql-mode-combo */ // REAL_AS_FLOAT, PIPES_AS_CONCAT, ANSI_QUOTES, IGNORE_SPACE const SQL_MODE_ANSI = 393234; // PIPES_AS_CONCAT, ANSI_QUOTES, IGNORE_SPACE, NO_KEY_OPTIONS, // NO_TABLE_OPTIONS, NO_FIELD_OPTIONS, const SQL_MODE_DB2 = 138258; // PIPES_AS_CONCAT, ANSI_QUOTES, IGNORE_SPACE, NO_KEY_OPTIONS, // NO_TABLE_OPTIONS, NO_FIELD_OPTIONS, NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER const SQL_MODE_MAXDB = 138290; // PIPES_AS_CONCAT, ANSI_QUOTES, IGNORE_SPACE, NO_KEY_OPTIONS, // NO_TABLE_OPTIONS, NO_FIELD_OPTIONS const SQL_MODE_MSSQL = 138258; // PIPES_AS_CONCAT, ANSI_QUOTES, IGNORE_SPACE, NO_KEY_OPTIONS, // NO_TABLE_OPTIONS, NO_FIELD_OPTIONS, NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER const SQL_MODE_ORACLE = 138290; // PIPES_AS_CONCAT, ANSI_QUOTES, IGNORE_SPACE, NO_KEY_OPTIONS, // NO_TABLE_OPTIONS, NO_FIELD_OPTIONS const SQL_MODE_POSTGRESQL = 138258; // STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, STRICT_ALL_TABLES, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, NO_ZERO_DATE, // ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER const SQL_MODE_TRADITIONAL = 1622052; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Keyword. /** * Checks if the given string is a keyword. * * @param string $str string to be checked * @param bool $isReserved checks if the keyword is reserved * * @return int */ public static function isKeyword($str, $isReserved = false) { $str = strtoupper($str); if (isset(static::$KEYWORDS[$str])) { if ($isReserved) { if (!(static::$KEYWORDS[$str] & Token::FLAG_KEYWORD_RESERVED)) { return null; } } return static::$KEYWORDS[$str]; } return null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operator. /** * Checks if the given string is an operator. * * @param string $str string to be checked * * @return int the appropriate flag for the operator */ public static function isOperator($str) { if (!isset(static::$OPERATORS[$str])) { return null; } return static::$OPERATORS[$str]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Whitespace. /** * Checks if the given character is a whitespace. * * @param string $str string to be checked * * @return bool */ public static function isWhitespace($str) { return ($str === ' ') || ($str === "\r") || ($str === "\n") || ($str === "\t"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Comment. /** * Checks if the given string is the beginning of a whitespace. * * @param string $str string to be checked * @param mixed $end * * @return int the appropriate flag for the comment type */ public static function isComment($str, $end = false) { $len = strlen($str); if ($len == 0) { return null; } if ($str[0] === '#') { return Token::FLAG_COMMENT_BASH; } elseif (($len > 1) && ($str[0] === '/') && ($str[1] === '*')) { return (($len > 2) && ($str[2] == '!')) ? Token::FLAG_COMMENT_MYSQL_CMD : Token::FLAG_COMMENT_C; } elseif (($len > 1) && ($str[0] === '*') && ($str[1] === '/')) { return Token::FLAG_COMMENT_C; } elseif (($len > 2) && ($str[0] === '-') && ($str[1] === '-') && (static::isWhitespace($str[2])) ) { return Token::FLAG_COMMENT_SQL; } elseif (($len == 2) && $end && ($str[0] === '-') && ($str[1] === '-')) { return Token::FLAG_COMMENT_SQL; } return null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bool. /** * Checks if the given string is a boolean value. * This actually check only for `TRUE` and `FALSE` because `1` or `0` are * actually numbers and are parsed by specific methods. * * @param string $str string to be checked * * @return bool */ public static function isBool($str) { $str = strtoupper($str); return ($str === 'TRUE') || ($str === 'FALSE'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Number. /** * Checks if the given character can be a part of a number. * * @param string $str string to be checked * * @return bool */ public static function isNumber($str) { return (($str >= '0') && ($str <= '9')) || ($str === '.') || ($str === '-') || ($str === '+') || ($str === 'e') || ($str === 'E'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Symbol. /** * Checks if the given character is the beginning of a symbol. A symbol * can be either a variable or a field name. * * @param string $str string to be checked * * @return int the appropriate flag for the symbol type */ public static function isSymbol($str) { if (strlen($str) == 0) { return null; } if ($str[0] === '@') { return Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_VARIABLE; } elseif ($str[0] === '`') { return Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_BACKTICK; } elseif ($str[0] === ':') { return Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_PARAMETER; } return null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // String. /** * Checks if the given character is the beginning of a string. * * @param string $str string to be checked * * @return int the appropriate flag for the string type */ public static function isString($str) { if (strlen($str) == 0) { return null; } if ($str[0] === '\'') { return Token::FLAG_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTES; } elseif ($str[0] === '"') { return Token::FLAG_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTES; } return null; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Delimiter. /** * Checks if the given character can be a separator for two lexeme. * * @param string $str string to be checked * * @return bool */ public static function isSeparator($str) { // NOTES: Only non alphanumeric ASCII characters may be separators. // `~` is the last printable ASCII character. return ($str <= '~') && ($str !== '_') && (($str < '0') || ($str > '9')) && (($str < 'a') || ($str > 'z')) && (($str < 'A') || ($str > 'Z')); } /** * Loads the specified context. * * Contexts may be used by accessing the context directly. * * @param string $context name of the context or full class name that * defines the context * * @throws LoaderException if the specified context doesn't exist */ public static function load($context = '') { if (empty($context)) { $context = self::$defaultContext; } if ($context[0] !== '\\') { // Short context name (must be formatted into class name). $context = self::$contextPrefix . $context; } if (!class_exists($context)) { throw @new LoaderException( 'Specified context ("' . $context . '") does not exist.', $context ); } self::$loadedContext = $context; self::$KEYWORDS = $context::$KEYWORDS; } /** * Loads the context with the closest version to the one specified. * * The closest context is found by replacing last digits with zero until one * is loaded successfully. * * @see Context::load() * * @param string $context name of the context or full class name that * defines the context * * @return string The loaded context. `null` if no context was loaded. */ public static function loadClosest($context = '') { $length = strlen($context); for ($i = $length; $i > 0;) { try { /* Trying to load the new context */ static::load($context); return $context; } catch (LoaderException $e) { /* Replace last two non zero digits by zeroes */ do { $i -= 2; $part = substr($context, $i, 2); /* No more numeric parts to strip */ if (! is_numeric($part)) { break 2; } } while (intval($part) === 0 && $i > 0); $context = substr($context, 0, $i) . '00' . substr($context, $i + 2); } } /* Fallback to loading at least matching engine */ if (strncmp($context, 'MariaDb', 7) === 0) { return static::loadClosest('MariaDb100300'); } elseif (strncmp($context, 'MySql', 5) === 0) { return static::loadClosest('MySql50700'); } return null; } /** * Sets the SQL mode. * * @param string $mode The list of modes. If empty, the mode is reset. */ public static function setMode($mode = '') { static::$MODE = 0; if (empty($mode)) { return; } $mode = explode(',', $mode); foreach ($mode as $m) { static::$MODE |= constant('static::SQL_MODE_' . $m); } } /** * Escapes the symbol by adding surrounding backticks. * * @param array|string $str the string to be escaped * @param string $quote quote to be used when escaping * * @return string */ public static function escape($str, $quote = '`') { if (is_array($str)) { foreach ($str as $key => $value) { $str[$key] = static::escape($value); } return $str; } if ((static::$MODE & self::SQL_MODE_NO_ENCLOSING_QUOTES) && (!static::isKeyword($str, true)) ) { return $str; } if (static::$MODE & self::SQL_MODE_ANSI_QUOTES) { $quote = '"'; } return $quote . str_replace($quote, $quote . $quote, $str) . $quote; } } // Initializing the default context. Context::load();